Thor/The Avengers/The Hobbit x11

Jan 24, 2013 21:56

AS I PROMISED. Third post this month, I Just need another one and I will meet my quota. This time there are 11 fics, two of which are Thor/Avengers and the rest is me shamelessly reading the hobbit fic and *sobs and hides face in hands* browsing the kink meme. THE KINK MEME FOR THE FUCKING HOBBIT. WHY? Anyway, I’ve read some really awesome fills and fics and UGH JUST. I LOVE TOLKIEN SO MUCH OK? I want to re-read everything and read the books I’m missing in my collection. Also I want to see the movie again, but I don’t have the money/time/anyone to go with. So I will just suffer till the DVD comes out and then just dl it. Because I’ve decided I will buy the whole box set when the third movie comes out. *nod*. But anyway, fic.

->Thor/The Avengers x2
->The Hobbit x9

Title: Enthralled
Author: Kay (sincere)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Thor/Loki
Summary: After the Avengers, Thor thanked them for helping him retrieve his property. He didn't mean the Tesseract. He meant his charming, clever, sarcastic thrall, who is currently furious and defiant and in need of (and looking forward to) a reminder of his place. At wonderful, exhausting length.Then Thor will be able to bring him back to his friends, introduce them to the real Loki, and... thank them properly.
Why: This was a really hot fic! The premise made me raise my eyebrow, but I gave it a try and it was totally worth it! And it wasn’t angst only! When the porny part was done, it was mostly sweet and tender and the ending was funny and really charming.

Title: Hand in Hand
Author: Canute
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Thor/Loki
Summary: It is wrong, and Thor cannot help it.
Why: Another one with the hand holding, but I can’t complain because I love those fics. This is Thor’s POV with lovely snippets from Thor and Loki’s life and how they connected with each other while holding hands.

Title: Thin Air
Author: wishfulwandrer
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Thorin/Bilbo, gen
Summary: Bilbo has an asthma attack and the dwarves freak out.
Why: This is a little random fic, and I’m already seeing all the tropes that are/will be popular with that pairing/fandom. However, I don’t mind, people putting Bilbo in the (physically) vulnerable position which he clearly is. I was a little skeptic, because asthma? Really? But the fic was cute and I thought realistic enough to deserve a rec. oh and the sweet and lovely ending.

Title: Blast It All
Author: Triola
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Thorin/Bilbo
Summary: In which Gandalf finds a cave, the Dwarves show some skin, Thorin is annoying, and Bilbo curses the world.
Why: I am forever enamored with the trope of character A being too dense to speak about his/her emotions and awkward confessions, by saying “you are such a nuisance/you annoy me.” Which pretty much happens in this fic and it’s a delight really. Also scandalized Bilbo when the dwarves show some skin because they’re drying their clothes. Hilarious. The ending like I said was charming and adorable.

Title: the most noble line of durin
Author: lincesque
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Thorin/Bilbo
Summary: The ancestors of the most noble line of Durin do not enter eternal rest. And why would they when their descendants provide them with so much amusement?
Why: This was so cute and funny I feared my grin would split my face. Thorin is haunted by his ancestors who make him confess to Bilbo and then it’s Kili and Fili being little shits and then kissing and aaaah. So gooooood foooor meeeee. Yes please.

Title: in which bilbo baggins does not have brass buttons (but thorin oakenshield and company like him better that way)
Author: Anonymous
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: light Thorin/Bilbo
Summary: Bilbo frowned at them, ruined waistcoat drawn over his lap like a map or a warming blanket.
Why: This is a little ficlet where Bilbo gets a dwarven coat and a belt, because his clothes are ruined. And the company is even more instantly enamored with him and how cute and charming he is.

Title: Not a Burden
Author: shwatsonlocked
Rating: PG
Pairing: gen
Summary: Despite the run of bad luck the company of Thorin Oakenshield had experienced of late, the eagles had dropped them off close enough to the Lonely Mountain that they could spare a night to rest and eat their fill.
Why: Another fic where the company is surprised with how much Bilbo eats, but with a lot less angst. This is mostly cute and a bit humorous, with the way the dwarves look at Bilbo now and care for him.

Title: His Place
Author: rosa_cotton
Rating: PG
Pairing: gen, Bilbo, Bofur, Thorin
Summary: Bofur takes a deep breath, his grip on his hat tightening, gathering his nerve.
Why: I’m still deciding whether I ship Bofur and Bilbo (even if just a tiny bit), because in the movie Bofur WAS ABSOLUTELY LOVELY AND WONDERFUL. And I liked this fic, where Bofur confronts Thorin of him being a dick to the hobbit and losing his temper. The ending was sweet and endearing.

Title: Five Times Bilbo Was Indirect (and One Time He Wasn't)
Author: Anonymous
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: light Thorin/Bilbo
Summary: Bilbo was very frustrated. He was starting to think that he liked dwarves a great deal better in his storybooks than in his company.
Why: This one is hilarious. Bilbo loses his temper with the dwarves and starts stealthy insulting them. They are oblivious to what he is doing and that makes for some hilarious moments and lines. The ending where Bilbo is ‘straightforward’ is also hilarious and amusing. Such a funny little fic.

Title: Of Mountains and molehills
Author: Anonymous
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: gen, Thorin, Kili, Fili, Dis
Summary: Thorin glared up at his sister from where he sat as she loomed over him, arms crossed, stern faced, that terrible glint in her eye that he saw whenever she was about to cause trouble.
Why: DURIN FAMILY GEN WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME. Dis bullies Thorin into giving Kili and Fili the talk and I laugh and laugh and laugh. Kili especially made me snort and howl with laughter, such an adorable little snot. BUT I WANTED TO GIVE THORIN A YOU TRIED START BECAUSE, MY GOD DID HE TRY. Just fluff and hilarity.

Title: out of the blue
Author: the-lazy-took
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Thorin/Bilbo, Frodo
Summary: Of course a question like this was bound to crop up (it did enough amongst the townsfolk, as it was). In fact, the fact that it hadn’t come up at all was nothing short of miraculous. It was a question that he knew was inevitable, but Bilbo still wasn’t quite ready for it.
Why: The last one is a quiet little piece where Bilbo and Frodo share a little family moment and Bilbo remembers Thorin and ugh. No why, do I read angst, nope. I was supposed to just focus on the cute and the gen and the plotty and maybe on crack, but nope. I had to go and read the fucking angst fic. Great. But it is really a nice drabble, sad and wistful but very beautifully written.

fandom: thor, media: fanfic, pairing: thorin/bilbo, gen, type: movie, fandom: the hobbit, slash, pairing: thor/loki, fandom: the avengers

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