Thor/The Avengers/Young Avengers x10 fics

Dec 03, 2012 12:59

->Thor/The Avengers x5
->Young Avengers x5

Title: Untitled
Author: ofjotunblood
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Thor/Loki
Summary: There’s a long, broad stripe of tongue against skin, and Thor knows he’s there.
Why: Rimming in the morning again. I like when fics have this languid and intimate quality when it comes to morning sex. Thor is just delightful here when he tries to wreak Loki’s composure and wants to be the only thing on his brother’s mind when he wakes up and guh. So hot.

Title: Untitled
Author: rayemars
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Thor/Loki
Summary: The jotun sorcerer stood in the center of the tent with his back to him. Thor let the opaque outer curtain fall behind him as he stepped inside.
Why: Kisu made this wonderful, quality porn fic and the fandom is impossible and wonderful when they provide fic for it! This is a bit, well actually a lot in the non-con territory, because here Loki is the enemy and he was defeated by Thor and then Thor takes him, and wow ok I love how still hot this piece was and Loki trying to be so calm and unaffected, but failing majorly.

Title: Odd Family beginnings
Author: whimsicalmuse
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Thor/Loki
Summary: Exactly what made The Odd Couple decide to start a family?
Why: This fic made me make embarrassing squeaky noises and clap my hands before the computer screen. It’s a fic based on the wonderful ask the odd couple and ask the odd family of asgard. It’s a little cracky but also sweet and at times even super hot story how they decided to have a baby and ksjhdskj I’m just rolling around, because it’s so amazing!

Title: Untitled
Author: stereobone
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: none, gen
Summary: Thor watches him across the fire as he stands, waves of light shadowed across his face. He looks very tired.
Why: This one was unexpected and a real punch to the gut. It’s stereobone’s beautiful writing combined with wantstobelieve’s gorgeous art. Also there might have be some spoilers for Thor 2 so yeah. But I loved that fic, because of that anguish that Loki was feeling and how Thor just reached out to him and held him and just wanted to be close to his brother. *wibbles*

Title: Untitled
Author: beatingsofabesottedheart
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Thor/Loki
Summary: “Tell Loki to be awaiting me when I return from the baths,” Thor said, just the slightest bit savage from his months on the ice, “Tear him from his bed if necessary.”
Why: another one based on that wonderful Kisu art, but this time Thor and Loki are married and Thor comes back from a long hunt to Loki and yeaah, so much possessiveness and Loki being a little shit and goading Thor into taking what he wants fff. But the ending was unbelievably sweet!

Title: Untitled
Author: nihsad
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Teddy/Billy
Summary: Teddy hears Wiccan’s chant cut out above him, and he knows what’s going to happen next without even looking at the witch, who is brilliant enough to decide to start a spell to transport more enemies than any of them can count two hundred feet above the ground when he knows full well that the completion of said spell will wipe his powers out completely.
Why: I was organizing my bookmarks and I found a few young avengers fics and since I miss my babies terribly and I really can’t wait for the series to restart in Fabruary I decided to read some. This one is a little ficlet with an accompanying art from kaciart and It’s a sweet little scene between Teddy and Billy, where Teddy knows what will be Wiccan’s next step and what will he do and Teddy acting accordingly to always be by his boyfriend’s side. Sigh.

Title: Thirty Seconds in POV
Author: amethystamore
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Teddy/Billy
Summary: “I’m going to do it.”
Eli looks away from the screen, mind temporarily distracted from zombies and chainsaws. Teddy clears his throat.
Why: I normally squint my eye at fics where there is marriage between those two, because they are just kids and I think they need more time to explore their relationship and to properly test it. But this was unbelievably cute, with little intervals and other AYs pov and Tommy was also hilarious but surprisingly supportive of his brother and aww. So sweet!

Title: Sing, the Body Electric
Author: specialshera
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Teddy/Billy
Summary: The worst thing about growing wings was the aftereffects.
Why: This is another sweet little drabble where Teddy had a um “wing pain” and Billy comes up with a perfect solution and uses his magic to help his boyfriend relax and aww. It’s just so sweet when people write those little domestic and everyday snippets of them being absolutely adorable and endearing.

Title: Untitled
Author: fwips
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Teddy/Billy
Summary: Billy’s hand tightened on his knee and smoothed over his back, and the other boy got up from his seat to push himself next to Teddy on the bed, touching their temples together.
Why: But sometimes the angsty stuff is also good. I think it’s not explored enough. Teddy lost his mom and he was left alone. I mean, yeah ok he has Billy and YAs and Billy’s parents but the point. So I always want to read more fic dealing with his relationship with his mother, but dealing with it is also interesting.

Title: Untitled
Author: amethystamore
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Teddy/Billy in the background, other than that gen.
Summary: It wasn’t hard to find the first aid kit.
Why: And finally some Tommy and Billy brotherly fic that I also do not read enough of! It’s a little heartbreaking, the way Tommy thinks about himself, but still is snotty and sarcastic to Billy but cares about him and goes to certain lengths to sort of “protect” him from the shadows. And is not afraid to take those steps that Billy is reluctant to take because Billy is the hero and Tommy is just a delinquent. Oh my feels. ;;

mpreg, crack, au, fandom: thor, pairing: billy kaplan/teddy altman, media: fanfic, gen, type: movie, pairing: thor/loki, slash, fandom: young avengers, fandom: the avengers, type: comics

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