personal tsunami appeal

Jan 06, 2005 10:00

We are all feeling desperate to help the tsunami victims and everyone is digging deep and doing strange things to raise money. Most of us wish we could just GO and DO something!

A good friend of mine, Tim, often goes out to help with the rebuilding of communities in the aftermath of disasters. He spent many months in Turkey following the earthquake there some time ago. He had the gruesome task of finding bodies before he set about helping to create a new living environment for the survivors. Tim is able to do what many of us WANT to do and can’t, but we CAN help him, He was planning to go next week to sri lanka but found out yesterday that a flight there costs £600 and he cannot afford it, he was thinking he would have to cancel his trip so I have started an appeal to sponsor Tim to work on our behalf, for what WE would like to be able to do to help the tsumani victims, its direct action; we don’t have to feel quite so useless.

If anyone out there would like to help out by donating please contact me and I'll pass it on. Donations can be made immediately via paypal ( at this link any excess (should there BE any excess!!) will either go to other tsunami based charities or be given to Tim to exchange for local currency to help the people he meets directly while he is there.

It all seems so distant when it's on the TV but it brings it into real life for me when he goes out to help in places like this. Any comments and wishes will be passed on to him too. We will be keeping in contact via email when he arrives at the red cross camp (they have satellite links) and regular updates on his progress will be posted on my personal live journal for anyone who wants to get a personal inside view of what it’s really like over there

Thanks, every little helps x
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