@_@ Life Sucks

Dec 02, 2004 16:10

I'm reliving this book I once read where this boy gets so lost in his paranoia that he keeps believing all of his friends hate him and that he's awful and they are as well. He starts crying and yelling at them and hating them when they barely do anything, hating himself even more for it all. In the end, one of his friends starts basically telling him how they can say he's a great friend and they love him over and over, but it won't mean anything until he believes it, too. The boy gets this sudden revelation and finally chills out, apologizes, and of course his friends forgive him and everything is great.

Thing is, I can't seem to get myself to that ending. *sigh* It feels so real, maybe most of them seriously do hate me...

Lauren-chan is getting better - she can walk without her crutches already! ^_^ In a few minutes she'll be home, and then we can RP.

Oh, and I've been working on my Japanese vocbulary. Mainly new verbs, and it's rather nice.
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