Jul 07, 2004 16:37
:sigh: One of the new assistant principle people called me today. Guess what about? That's right: My schedule. Again. When they called last time, I had to drop Newspaper and put in French. This time, they've kicked me out of Psychology: because it conflicts with my honors classes. So, I have no way of getting Psychology back till next year. They really should let us see whats going on before we make schedules...
The master schedule for all the classes has determined that I have four legitimate choices of electives out of the following, for my 4B class, which is currently empty.
AutoCad, General Tech (Woodshop, ick!), Networking I, AP Art (Which I couldn't take, even if I wanted to, which, I wouldn't mind), Symphonic Band (not a band member, so that one's out), and ROTC (also, not a member, and I don't plan on joining now).
So, out of those, the ones I CAN take b/c of the damned prerequisite requirements are: AutoCad, General Tech, Networking, and Financial Math.
Great choices, huh? :sarcasm: I'm trying to fight with them about it, and see what I can do instead. Who knows, maybe I can take one of my cores for this year and next year at once. o.O But so far, it looks like I'm stuck. Damn it all! T.T
(Yes, I really am crying, in the middle of the phone call I had a nervous breakdown, and I am still trying to calm down again. x.x)
Why me? Why is it always me?