WTF, mate?

May 10, 2006 16:41

So today in speech class I handed that Jacobi kid my books while I reached in my purse to give something to Katie Bradley. Then he like held onto them and for almost the rest of the hour they were just sitting there on his lap. And then he asked me if he could carry my books to my next class. I was like, "I guess" which is very unlike me. Anyway he made it from the auditorium to the cafeteria and then remembered he had to go to the office. It was really weird/stupid not carrying my own books. So I just said, "Give me back my books. Bye!" I don't know what to make of that. It was sort of sweet I guess but really old-fashioned and I felt like "Damn-it I can carry my own books." But of course I didn't say that because it would have been rude and he was trying to be nice.

Tha AP English essay was pretty good I think. The topic was to write about a book that starts off conventionally and then turns untamed, wild, and free thinking and how it added to the book. I wrote about Lord of the Flies. When you first read it you think it will be an exciting adventure/survival story, but then it turns dark. I talked about how it wa unconventional to use little boys in the collapse of society and the turmoil, savagery and hate that people resort to in desperate times. Using little boys as opposed to adults showed a free thinker in that evil and hatred don't discriminate. It opened people's eyes to the necessity of civilization and order and rules to make a society work and not fall back on our primitive barbaric instincts... or some crap like that. For a 40 minute essay it wasn't too shabby. Teehee!

~ cb
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