Apr 28, 2002 21:06
man.. read through so many ppl's entries on grad trip now and i guess maybe i should post somethign too....
I know that some of you might think that Grad trip was pretty mediocre and some of you might think that it downright sucked, but if any of you are like me, and compared this year's grad trip with the one we had in ninth grade(seniors only) you'll probably agree with me that this was perhaps this time's grad trip was actually fun. We actually got to go to an amusement park this time. and the rides weren't too shabby....although i've been on better...but that is besides the point, all the better ones weren't even in Taiwan...some of the best rides that i've been on in Taiwan is basically what I'm trying to say....The hotel, although not exactly luxurious were spacious and pretty nice, especially compared to the lodgings we had in nith grade....ugh.....AND the balconies were all conected, save those of the senior girls.... and everyother room had a door in between which we got the hotel ppl to open The bus ride was ok... except the movie would keep freezing and Ms. Jou wouldn't alow us to watch American Pie 2.. even though we ended up watching it in our room anyway....three times in fact...well Eugene did anyhow....That was the first day anyway, and over all,, it wsnt bad at all....and with the trip to water space, where i lost my glasses for a frustrating ten minutes, it was pretty fun...too bad the curfew was 10:45 that nite....and threee ppl got caught and given demerits....
Now, second day and night was about the same.....we had a LONG hike in Kenting NAtional Park, and we ended up getting lost...I acutally have a long and tdious video clip of that if anyone is interested...the highlights of that day, were Henry's muscle show at guan hai lao (