Video 6 :: Picking Up Strays

Nov 28, 2011 20:49

[ Today the video feed shows the top of Tsuna's head, a grumpy looking Natsu, and one out cold Hoppip. It would seem that our favorite fishie has bravely ventured just a little way out onto Route 30. From the way that he's muttering as he goes through his backpack he doesn't seem very happy though. Finally Tsuna pulls out a potion bottle and turns towards the pokemon getting ready to use it, he pauses though and sighs. ]

I should catch it first huh guys?

[ Once again Tsuna goes digging through his bag, and Natsu gives what sounds like a resigned sigh. The agreeing trill of his Pidgey comes from close by, though off screen. Finally Tsuna pulls out a pokeball, and very gently tosses it at the pokemon. As this happens the picture seems to get lower, and lower to the ground. Tsuna finally notices this because he turned around with his pokeball in hand, the brunette makes a face at the camera, and then sighs as ho goes to sit down next to his bag. ]

Mou, put it away Moto... [ Though he says it the order isn't a very firm one because Tsuna's now releasing the Hoppip from it's ball into his lap, and the potion bottle in one hand. The pokegear is set on the ground, and the face of a Pidgey appeared on the camera it's head turning this way and that as it tried to figure out how to turn the gear off again. Barely a few minuets later Tsuna's hand takes the gear away from the pokemon. ]

Ahhh, I'll just take her into the center, come on guys.

.route 30, !video, brave tsuna fish, picking up strays, found koed pokemon, venturing out a bit

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