Jan 18, 2011 16:37
✖And I've always been alive. I feel like I'm never here D:. I do keep up with everyone LJs though. Well I may not post but at least I still comment on you everyones ;w;. THAT SHOULD BE GOOD ENOUGH, RIGHT?
✖I have been clawing at my inbox waiting for acceptance letters. I KNOW IT'S EARLY BUT GIVE ME /SOMETHING/ DAMMIT D:<. My friend got hers already...well for one college. I'm like "WHERE IS MINE?!" because well...I have better grades than her and stuff .____. It's okay though. I'll just wait quietly and maybe kick at the mailman or at my inbox once in a while until something comes. I just keep getting "OH WE GOT YOUR APPLICATION" emails and I'm like >B| BARELY? Ffffff. Yeah, leave me.
✖First day of finals was today. I have Biology and English, both which the teacher said IF YOU GET A D OR EVEN 50% YOU ARE CONSIDERED GOOD. That's scary D:. But meh, it was okaaaay. My grade isn't going to change dramatically so I'm not worried. Plus, our English teacher said our test might not even go on this semesters grade. Kinda defeats the purpose don't you think?
✖ I WANT TO PlAY STARRY SKY BUT THE ENGLISH PATCH DOESN'T WORK ON WINDOWS VISTA. /SCREAMSSSSSS. Maybe I'll jack my friends laptop and just...MAKE HER USE MINE if it works on hers after I move in. Ffff. ; ~;. I downloaded more games on a whim and found that they actually have Joker no Kuni for download. WELL, I won't actually understand anything but I DON'T CARE. That's why you look at walk through and just...get an idea of it. /sob. I really need to learn Japanese. If only they at least has a Chinese patch man. /stabs.
✖I saw the house Sunday for the first time and....ehh well I'm not totally fond of it but if my mom likes it its okay. They're doing this whole makeover to it though, so we'll see. I mean. I'm not living in it until after high school..and even then I plan on living away from home once college comes around.
✖Oh. Since a FB notfi popped up...Two of our classmates are missing and people are freaking out. It has to be serious since they haven't seen them since last week and now people on facebook are sending MISSING posts through the network, including the parents phone numbers. I hope they're okay ;;. I don't know them well but you know...;;;.
✖...EVERYONE IS HORRIBLE AND LEFT ME ALONE TODAY ONLINE. I'M SPEAKING TO LIKE 6 OF YOU. /bawwww. I'll just go look for scholarships or something :'|.
too lazy to tag