Dec 14, 2001 01:31
I appreciate the get well soons. I don't think that's a real word but oh well the mass amounts of cold and flu medicine says it's ok to make my own words up. But anywho I thought I'd write one big thank you instead of inundating you all with a bunch of comment replies. Not to try to sly my way out of not sending personal thank yous.... ok i know i know... just keep digging deeper with the shovel... =) But anyhow I am getting better. Yesterday I thought I was the walking death. I haven't felt that bad since I had adult strain mono. That I wish on no one. I thought regular mono was bad... sheesh CMV (adult strain) mono made EBR (kissing) mono seem like a bump on the kitchen table. My only comfort was I guess only 2% of the world population gets it.