... I must have something to rant about!
My Mom is being a bit selfish. She turns 50 this Friday, and on Saturday, her boyfriend wants to take her to London, because she has never been to London before and she's always wanted to go.
But with the rioting, understandably, her boyfriend has become a bit wary of going. Mom took this opportunity to have a moan about how whenever she plans to go to London, 'something always gets in the way, like I'm fated not to go.'
Urm, I'm sorry, what?
People's livelihoods and homes are being destroyed, people are living in fear in their own homes, and she's complaining? Of course, I can understand her being disappointed, but honestly, does her not getting a weekend in the capital really compare to the four days' worth of mindless violence and looting? Honestly, London isn't that great anyway. It has nice tourist places and fantastic Chinese markets, sure, but really, it's just like everywhere else in England, except its a lot more expensive, crowded and polluted there.
Now, I may be biased, as I have gone to London on several occasions, but generally I'm more well travelled than my mother anyway. She may have visited more continents than me, but I'm still more well travelled (heh. Uni is great for travel!), if that makes any sense. I guess maybe it doesn't. More continents surely equals more well travelled...? I guess I'm wrong then. But at any rate, I'm culturally better travelled. In our own home country. And there are twenty years between us!
Yes, it's disappointing. But don't make out like you're the most hard done by person in history! You're not, you're just missing out on one weekend, and in all honesty, we all are happy about this, because your safety is important to us.
I think I'd like to go to Ireland someday. And Scotland! It's England's hat, after all, and it would be a shame to never go to someplace that is connected to the country where I live. I've now been to two places in Asia, with plans to visit Hong Kong and a desire to visit Japan... I think I love Asia. I've always wanted to go to Egypt, too, and America. And I certainly want to go back to Seoul.... And Beijing.
Aww hell, why don't I just MOVE to Asia? xD