I ain't got nothin' to lose...

Nov 19, 2009 23:51

Argh. It's been one of those days, I'm afraid.

Yeah, one of THOSE days. A really shit one, but for reasons that I can't quite explain, which I realise makes me sound like a ridiculous moron, but I'm sure everybody has had one of these days.

It's been fairly ordinary, actually. I had a lie-in, which was lovely. I got to Uni and had a chat with friends before a lecture, spent some more time hanging out, had a seminar, drove the friend to the supermarket where we sat and chatted for ages. The usual.

Went food shopping, and spent money I didn't have on food, and sister still hasn't paid me the half for it. Which I need because tomorrow I am going to get her birthday presents (Becuse really, what retard is born in December? Jesus Christ... ;D) and FUCKING ARGH.

Food shopping is fucking bad enough anyway, what with the stupid fat people standing in your way and taking ages. Then people walking slowly. Then people's rudeness. Then their smelliness. Then my general irritation at the bright lights and all the junk food and chocolate I could have - But nooo, I had to get fat so I can't eat such lovely, life-saving, mood-saving things anymore. Then my irritation at every day not being able to find a parking space for my teeny tiny Micra.

Then I hadn't been acknowledged for a day from Jase, just because they'd put his dinner break at a different time because they were busy and he forgot. Dick. Then he rang me and was unsympathetic with my money worries - You're a student, babe!

I'm fed up of being a student. And I'm fed up of being patronised by him. I don't know if it's the age difference, but he will do that and it drives me nuts. Thinks he knows everything because he has five years on me. Fair enough, he may have more knowledge on some things - But treat me like an equal.

Odd. I got accused of being a feminist the other day, when clearly I'm a Marxist. Sure, I could be both, but why be branded with the lesbian 'type along with it (Sure, I swing both ways, but that's not the point)? Besides, feminism isn't just about wanting to be equal anymore, right? Isn't that pretty much anyone with more brain cells than kids wants?

Will it ever happen? Doubt it. Will women continue to eat shit and like the taste of it? Probably. And the working class will continue to be oblivious to their explotation. That's the circle of life. Good thing I'm travelling light.

I'm pissed off at my Uni course. The core module is a sociologay lesson at the moment, when it shouldn't be because it's a FUCKING ENGLISH COURSE!! >.< Fair enough, we need to understand the social, historical and blah contexts to get everything we can from a text - But why devote lecture after lecture on that shit? Common sense is a large majority of the social science they call sociology. Easiest fucking science class I ever took.

And what the hell is the deal with my Morality, God and Atheism lecturer? Stupid git. Do NOT use lame puns like 'use the force' when referring to God. You're not a nerd, you're most certainly NOT cool and for the love of God, you are not sucking on helium, so lower the pitch, yeah? And do us a favour and actually teach something, rather than issuing powerpoints, blatantly read off it and then hand us a sheet with all that info on anyway, and then bitch when we regurgiate what's on the said sheet for our portfolio questions. For the love of my ass.

... Is there another rant left in me? Probably. Student finance are still being jackasses, gonna call them tomorrow and demand to know how far they are in processing my third batch of forms, and then demand to know when that money will be in my account (they now owe me two payments, and we get another in January. Holly-Wolly sure will be in the money when it actually arrives - Just not for now. And Xmas is just around the bloody corner, always, always around the fucking corner). And I want definite, concrete answers from somebody who is at least moderately qualified and competent.

Oh, I have another rant raring to go now. Here goes.

There's a right dickhead at my workplace. Jase gets on with him well (I'm not saying that as a reflection on him). He seems to think that just because he is a Special in the Police force as well as being a computer salesman - for which, read 'con artist', see also fraud, liar and general douchebag - That gives him the right to look down on everybody else. Especially till people.

Now, I know anybody can work on tills. But I'd like to think I have thrice the (active) brain cells one would actually expect of a till girl (how I despise that title, if it's even considered high enough to be a title. I doubt it, highly...). And believe me, I hate my job, because the only people who give you respect tend to be the four or five people at work who aren't total dillholes. And because it is boring and tedious - But it is better than being a bit-shot con artist on the shopfloor selling laptops all day, which I did for about eight weeks before telling them where to shove it.

Anyway. I told this guy finally that I thought he was a cunt and that he really shouldn't patronise and look down upon me because I'm on the tills. He just gave me a weird look and said, 'But I worked on the tills non-stop for five years in my employment career. So why would I look down on you?'

Dunno, I'm not a fucking mind-reader, am I? Just stop acting like a giant prick and maybe I'll help you out once in a while. Maybe then you could do the same for me sometime? Yanno, helping out another member of the team? Or do I not qualify as such because of my gendered job role?

... Uh huh, thought so.

... THAT has helped. Tremendously. I know just how much of an angsty teenager this has made me look like, but that would've taken me years to write down. With a pen. And paper. I can type waaaay too fast, it's obvious I spend far too much time on my laptop, or just computers in general, really. I've also sounded rather petty in all this, and I felt like being petty. It's good to use so many insults in one blog, too. It's quite refreshing.

My next 'breakdown' is scheduled for Boxing Day and the exam weeks this year. Thank you, come again, watch this space. This is the BBC nooz. Belt up.

ihatemybody, incompetance, rant, philosophy, idiots, careers, jobs, university, studentfinancesuck, stupidity

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