Today I got my Ouroboros tat retouched. It was looking pretty bad before; who knew tribal tats didn't like being purple?!
Here's the pics-
Mar 6 2005 Ouroboros
May 3 2008 Ouroboros pre-fix
May 3 2008 fixing the tat
May 3 2008 Ouroboros Reborn
Here's the post I made when it was first fresh-
Today I got a new tattoo. Happy birthday to me! (actually on the 18th, but this was when it could be done)
In 1985, I was 8
in 1995, I was 18
in 2005, I am 28 on the 18th.
28.... 2 eternus.... entwined but alone. A snake, eating her tail.
So I said hmmn how would this look as a tattoo?
All in one, everything I am makes me do this.
shadowcynic, apologies, because after I did this it occurred to me you asked me to make this for you. And you got it I think, that you had drawn elsewhere. Mine's a new spin on an old sign. Means the same.
Well, maybe you knew something I didn't. But it has us both.
"Five Termes, there be, which five I doe apply
To all, that was, and is, and shall be done.
The first, and last, is that ETERNITIE,
Which, neither shall have End, nor, was begunne.
BEGINNING, is the next; which, is a space
(Or moment rather) scarce imaginarie,
Made, when the first Materiall, formed was;
And, then, forbidden, longer time time tarry.
TIME entred, when, BEGINNING had an Ending,
And, is a Progresse, all the workes of Nature,
Within the circuit of it, comprehending,
Ev'n till the period, of the Outward-creature.
END, is the fourth, of those five Termes I meane;
(As briefe, as was Beginning) and, ordayned,
To set the last of moments, to that Scaene,
Which, on this Worlds wide Stage, is entertayned.
The fifth, we EVERLASTING, fitly, call;
For, though, it once begunne, yet shall it never
Admit, of any future-end, at all;
But, be extended onward, still, for ever.
The knowledge of these Termes, and of what action,
To each of them belongs, would set an end,
To many Controversies, and Distractions,
Which doe so many trouble, and offend.
TIME'S nature, by the Fading-flowre, appeares;
Which, is a Type, of Transitory things:
The Circled-snake, ETERNITIE declares;
Within whose Round, each fading Creature, springs.
Some Riddles more, to utter, I intended,
But, lo; a sudden stop, my words have ended."