Oct 25, 2004 12:29
"Laughter stimulates your immune system," says Dan Gascon, a certified laughter leader and president of the Canadian Humour for your Health organisation. "There is extensive research which shows how laughter releases endorphins into the brain. According to a recent study, laughter is the only natural way your organs get a massage. It is also a principle element in the digestive process. Simply, your body needs it."
This is good to know. I like to laugh. I like to create..I like imagination.
Plus, Stanford University research indicates that a good laugh also:
Stimulates circulation.
Makes you more alert.
Exercises the skeletal muscles.
Has the same cardio respiratory response as 10 minutes of strenuous rowing - but you only have to laugh for 10 seconds.
my skeletal muscles! LOL...I find that...humerous.
This is the best:
Try these exercises for your inner-comedian:
Lie in bed and sing duets with your partner.
Devise a humourous answering machine message.
Tickle your kids a bit to make them giggle.
Set up a laughter notice board at work or home and pin up funny clippings, sayings, cartoons or photos.
Start your memo or e-mail with a joke.
Find a funny card and send it instead of a letter.
Leave a humourous message on your best friend's answering machine.
At your next dinner party, rent some comedy classics.
And that, folks..is when the article lost all its genuine-ness...and accountability cause thats just all silly.