So something about dinosaurs?
How to play:
- Leave me a comment saying "dinosaurs".
- I'll respond by asking you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.
- Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
- Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.
From Meshi:
1) Favorite Spiff pairing? (can be crack too if need be)
- Ummm my bias is probably showing here but I love Hevak and Mink hahahahaha. I think it's because I like writing them and I could sort of go on forever about their complexities.
(Bonus crack pairing! once when I was half asleep I said to myself in my head "John should just marry Zoya! That'll fix everything!" ...I'm not sure what I was trying to fix. :|)
2) Which Neopet do you wish was real so you could have him/her for a real pet?
- HARD QUESTIONNNN. Um probably Xweetoks, they're so cute <3 <3 <3
3) What does this song make you think of? it sounds a lot like a song I'd hear in a Disney movie actually ;;
4) If they made A Catcher in the Rye movie [heaven forbid!], who are some people you would like to see in it?
- this was a terrible question because I have nooooo knowledge of actors, and all the actors I DO know about wouldn't really go well into the movie. like... george clooney. XDD
5) Favorite character from the Zelda series?
- AGH! Um, hm. Can I cheat? Old school I'd say Marin from Link's Awakening. The newer games... it's a tie between Linebeck and Tetra.
From Rissy:
1) What is your favorite dish that you've learned to cook so far?
- Probably the stir-fry that I made the other day! hahaha. Um other than that probably latkes even though they're so labor intensive and make the whole house smell like oil haha
2) Where in the world would you most like to visit?
- Probably England just because Helen talks about it so much :] Also Spain. ...Because Helen talks about it so much haha
3) Favorite game soundtrack?
- Chrono Cross, definitelyyyy. Runner up is Braid.
4) What attracted you to anthropology?
- I think it has to do with how the science and seems to be so close to my personal philosophies - understanding others and their practices, using other's experiences to understand your own, objectivism (not the crazy Ayn Rand kind, the Buddhist kind lol)
5) What is the strangest dream you can remember having?
- ummm, can I do my second weirdest? the first one is actually sort of on the scary side for me....
when I was somewhere around 7 or 8 I had a series of dreams about these three crocodiles chasing me around and trying to run away from them. It started off in my old house in Wheeling, there used to be this huge field outside, and there was a swamp-ish place there. These crocodiles tried to lure me in, and when I didn't want to go, they chased me to my house (which the inside was like my first condo in BG? haha). I hid in a cabinet in the bathroom. Then I guess I had a couple more dreams about them but I don't remember too much else. I think they got hats somewhere along the way lol.
From Katie:
1.) What's the most funnest word to say evarrrrrrr?!
- "bottoms"! or my nickname for Paprika right now, "kittyboo", pronounced "kittabooh"
2.) If you could open a museum dedicated to any specific subject what would it be? The specific-er the better.
- Hmmmmmmm! The realistic answer? Either an Impressionist collection, or maybe I'd do something on video games and talk about their art, history and role in culture.
The unrealistic answer? Probably the historical museum for our fantasy story lololol
3.) If you could remove any word from common usage what would it be?
- Actually I'd like to remove the idea that people can dictate common usage! It unnerves me when people yell at other people for using words :< Prescriptive linguistics is overratedddddd~~ communication changes, gosh! The only reason there's a standard for any language is because the people in charge back it up, not because it's "better" than any other subset (YOU CAN STOP BEING AN ANTHROPOLOGY MAJOR NOW, CHRISTINA)
4.) What's your magical girl name/powers?
- Mystery Reader Chrissy-chan! With the ability to draw power from the TAROOOOOT (no I swear it's not the same as escaflowneeee)
5.) Who is your favorite historical figure, or one that fascinates you the most?
OH GEEZ I have to think really hard about this one. we're learning about Raphael in my art history class and he seemed like a really neat guy! like, he was into painting AND sculpture AND architecture AND archaeology! pretty neat.