otanjoubi omedeto kato-san

Jul 10, 2009 21:16


honestly, I never imagined that I would be one of your fans. because first of all. My first crush on NEWS was originally masuda-san and tegoshi-kun came in next. but since you didn't have that much of screentime on hoshi wo mezashite I didn't notice you at all. but after watcing  your concert I saw you do the 'kuchizuke wo.' part from I.ZA.NA.I.ZU.KI it really made me scream well, I thought it was really cute especially when KoyaShige sang 'chirarizumu' (I really liked your hair before.) that is when I started to be your fan. now, you have becoming more popular lately right after Koi no ABO. I thought that shige-san is blooming.
and it makes me really happy that shige-san has more screentime now. Pls. do your best always and pls maintain your screentime (LOL) and even though some of the NEWS members are fond of bullying you, always think that they are doing that because thay love you. :) once again happy bday.

---栗山涼子 aka. Kristine S.---

shigeaki kato, news, shige

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