
May 15, 2007 00:07

I'll tell 10 things about myself that I expect no one of you knows. If someone knows one thing, you can reveal me and I have to tell one new thing. After this I'll challenge 10 people in my friends-list to do the same in their journal.

1-I have these knob things behind my ears....I don't think it's normal o.o if it is, some people think it's weird

2-I have a scar on my thigh from when I fell when our bathroom was being remodeled

3-I have a paper on my bulletin board that says pwned

4-I still haven't eaten my pocky for some reason

5-I have a picture someone gave me that I have yet to put up in my room

6-I translated a French article about Gore and "An Inconvenient Truth" earlier today.

7-Our hot water heater sucks so I've gotten in the habit of taking really fast showers.

8-I kind of want a new screen name but I am too lazy to think of one...

9-It takes me forever to get to sleep most of the time because I can't stop thinking about random stuff.

10-I often have dreams that include things I want to happen or are fairly realistic (although usually weird somehow) so sometimes I think about something happening and then I can't remember if it actually did happen or if it was from a dream.

Tagged: uh...cocomushroom? yeah XD. *corsses out zero in 10 people*

yatta, i did it, meme, pwned

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