Long-overdue Rant

Jul 02, 2009 01:04

Alright, so this rant is gonna seem like it comes out of NOWHERE - which, it kind of does - but try to bear with me.

Over the summer, I have discovered that TV Land plays Roseanne every night. It's like a mini-marathon. I remember watching that show a couple years ago on Nick@Nite, but since N@N got stupid with their "only three or so programs" schedule, I had missed Roseanne.

Roseanne is about a middle/lower class family growing up in the late 80's/early 90's. It centers around many controversial topics not usually found in sitcoms of its time, such as race, adultery, homosexuality, sex, drugs, abortions, and others.

So, I really love this show. It's funny, interesting, riveting, and lovely. I thought it was just perfect.

Until, however, season 9 came around.

The very last episode, Roseanne reveals that no events taken place in that season happened at all; rather, it was simply chapters of her novel on what she would have liked to happen to her life and the people around her.

At the end of season 8, her husband, Dan, suffers a heart attack. He presumably survives it, but Roseanne says at the end that he did indeed die.

How foolish of those producers. To kill off one of the most popular characters in such a sudden and tragic way, only to tease them with the last useless season? If he would've died at season 8, then I would've still been sad, but it would've made more sense. Why say he's alive, only to say he's dead the next moment? This is one of the most irritating factors that I have found in the show's finale. It's like one of those "It was all a dream" endings.

I'm all for tragedy. Show me a happy and a sad ending, and it won't be hard for me to choose. But, somehow, the character of Dan touched me, and I began to really like him as said character. I don't think it is quite fair to just suddenly kill one of the characters that made the show WHAT IT IS.

That's only one infuriating factor.

Roseanne has two daughters, Becky and Darlene. Throughout the show, Becky marries a guy named Mark, and Darlene marries his brother David.

In the final episode, Roseanne explains that the girls actually married the other's spouse.

What. The. FUCK?!

You get me attracted to these couples for eight seasons, and then you go and change the plot?! Make up your minds! It doesn't make any sense to just use that ending, and if you ask me it was just a tool for the writers to say "We fucked up."

I HATE changes in storylines that aren't explained. It just pisses me off to NO extent.

So, my point?

Screw you, producers.

The way I see it, Dan is still alive and with Roseanne, and Becky and Darlene are with their intended husbands. None of that "novel" shit happened. You just can't do that to loyal fans who stuck by the show for eight seasons. You just can't do it.

Fuck, I needed to get that off my chest.
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