Title: To Be Together Again
tsukixchan Pairing: OT7 (Band fic)
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: G
Word Count: { 281 }
Dedicated to:
kyujonglove --
A/N: A short drabble fic. Jennifer wanted a happy OT7 fic, so yes. ;___; I hope it's good enough D: I'm sorry for any parts that don't really make sense…
He gets off the plane. He's back in this place again, familiar and yet the pain still remains. He remembers so vividly, that day when his contract was terminated, but he has put it all behind him now. He scans the airport for the familiar faces. Then he sees them, and they see him, and they're running towards each other.
He shouts a mix of their names, but they call his name as one, united. They meet in a flurry of hugs and tears, as they apologize over and over for what they said, promising that they didn't mean it and that they love him. And he whispers back quietly to them that he loves them too, that he missed them. And wouldn't you know it, at those words, Wooyoung starts crying again. That starts the chain, and soon Junho is crying too, and Chansung is wiping away his few tears. Junsu, Taecyeon, and Nichkhun all try to hug him, all at the same time, just trying to express how much they've missed him without letting loose the tears they've held back for months.
They get into the taxi, speeding back to the dormitory, back to the way it was before, together again. He has missed them these long few months. While he was alone, he's been dreaming of this day. They get back to the dorm, and it feels like he never left, as he climbs into his bed and laughs. They play computer games and joke around all night, lucky that they don't have a schedule tomorrow. He smiles again, happy for the first time in a long while.
Because they're together again, and what more does he need?