So many great Batman fics swirling around since TDK, and a few old favorites that I have to pass on. I'm still sifting through a lot of fics that have just been updated/written in the past month, so feel free to rec others if you think that there's something awesome I missed.
The Arkham Series by irisbleufic. Batman/Joker. NC-17. A STUNNING series looking at what would happen after TDK if the Batman *was* caught... and Bruce Wayne was put in Arkham Asylum.... and the only one who really understood him was the Joker... and things just get crazier from there. An epic-ish fic with perspectives from Bruce, Joker, and Alfred (all perfectly in-voice). Iris has several other amazing TDK fics too, so after you finish this one, definitely keep poking around the LJ.
You Had Me at Hello AND
See You in the Funny Papers by Mercuriazs. Scarecrow/Joker. NC-17. This fic (You Had me at Hello) is what got me hooked (HOOKED, I tell you!) on Crane/Joker fanfics. And I still have yet to come across one with a better hold on the voices. You can hear the cadance of both characters in their dialogue and it's just so perfect. I'm so thrilled that Mercuria listened to all of our pesterings and wrote more!
Untitled by fiorenomiko. Scarecrow/Joker. NC-17. Just in general, I find this fic fascinating. I don't fully agree with the depiction of Scarecrow's pychological state (given Nolan-verse specifically)... but GOD it made for some good identity-porn. And on top of all that, this fic has dominant Crane AND Nurse!Joker ... wow, I can't get over the awesomeness. Definitely worth your time.
IDon'tKnowWhatYouMean by jokers_daughter. Nolan-verse!Batman/comic-verse!Tim Drake. NC-17. This is just... bizarre, fascinating, mind-blowing, and just overall a great fic. The premise is that Tim Drake (Robin) gets thrown into an alternate universe. Specifically pre-TDK Nolanverse. The musings on the differences between comic-Bruce and Nolan-Bruce are fantastic, and the porn is just a cherry on top of a great overall idea. It's a short fic but a haunting one.
Batman Beyond
What are You Doing New Years Eve? by Darkknight37. Light hints of Bruce/Diana. PG. Adorable is probably the only way to describe this fic. This one-shot covers the return of Wonder Woman to the Future JLU and hints of past romance between the old Caped Crusader and Wondy. And Terry is just perfect and oh-so-sassy.
Counting Down the Hours series by Karanguni. Relatively gen. PG to PG-13. Karanguni, in my book, is seemingly responsible for the current revival of BBeyond fics on
batfic -- and if nothing else, this series is the highest quality. The fic takes place after Bruce gets temporarily deaged from the Lazarus Pit (BBeyond's birthday episode) but before he completely reverts back... and thus Bruce gets the chance to train Terry, and Terry gets a chance to ask some questions about the past. Perfect voice for Terry, perfect stand-off-ish-ness for Bruce. Just awesome, all in all.
The Suit by earthy4. Gen fic. PG. A fourteen chapter long fic that reads like a real BBeyond episode... you know, the one that SHOULD have happened. The one where we finally see hide and hair of Dick Grayson. Full of comic references and Bat-family issues, this is just a great read.
Untitled drabble by felonazcorp. Terry/Jason. PG-13. OMFG!!!!!!!! This makes the list because someone in this weird, wonderful universe wrote a Terry/Jason fic besides me. HOLY SHIT! And the best part? It's awesome. Sure, it's just a drabble, but it fits *perfectly* into my view of my post-DCD world that I may have to mentally kidnap it and make it part of my brain's
DCD canon. Go read for Terry, Jason, and Ace the Dog cuteness.