So, uh, happy New Year! A little late, but my computer's still at the problems. Yeah, still. Apparently a new motherboard is coming in the mail, because I've just about had to up to my neck with all these computer problems. I just want to be able to play normal programs without fear of bluescreens. 8(
New series of Sherlock is brilliant, by the way. Even if it's just a single episode so far. I absolutely loved Irene Adler in this (and it should be no surprise to anyone my pleasure to see more of Mycroft in this episode as well), and Moriarty is still as... quirky as ever. I admit, never really liked his quirks in the last series, but I had a year and a half to let it grow on me.
Series finale of Merlin... um. Alright, I suppose. Mixed feelings on that one.
Need a beta reader for the reverse BB thing I'm working on, which is making me want to sleep forever and never have to look at it. ^^;; Spent a day reading
Loaded March, which is beyond brilliant. And I need to unlock my phone (somehow?) so that I can switch to Rogers and get a new phone plan.
On the other hand, I got through halfway of Uncharted 2 in one night (me playing it this time!) after Menchi got Uncharted 1&2 and Jon got Uncharted 3. Hmm. New year's start.