Jan 03, 2007 23:40
...this has gotta be the fourth time I tried to update. Three times Firefox froze on me when I hit the update page! So I'm updating from my.livejournal instead.
Musicals today. :D Only managed to watch half a play before I had to leave, though. >_O Took Jasper ice-skating for loonie day- they rented out the crappiest skates possible, I swear. It was ugly, demented, and deformed. D: And I spent most of the time trailing behind Jasper because he looked like he was about to fall at any second. ^^;; Too many people there- I kept feeling like I was going to run over a kid or two.
Have started writing again. Cannot remember what led up to the ending of Last Enchantment. D: This is going to take some revamping on my part, methinks.
Another resolution- update more often! ^^;; I just realized I had, what, six posts all throughout December?
jasper tells all,
procrastination for the win!,
life or something like it,
pen is mightier than the sword