Because I am finally, for the first time this past week, not off my ass exhausted, I am back to being the bitch I am about reality and life in general.
About Katrina. Of course, because I have policies to bitch about concerning the American government. )
Honestly, Bush. Get your priorities in order.
And I've heard about 40 Days and 40 Nights as well, and that's also on my list of movies never to watch. I think the idea that men can't get raped by women and suffer all the psychological damage is BULLSHIT. No is no. Non-consensual is NO. Unless both parties say yes all the way through the act (and I don't mean that in a dirty way), then it's rape. There's a law about that- even if a women says 'no' five seconds away from the end of the act, the man's supposed to STOP.
I don't understand how that doesn't apply to men. If he says 'no', then it's NO, damn it. And I think men are just as vulnerable to rape, and even more so in a psychological way because it's harder for them to not be aroused by touch. Especially if they're horny bastards to begin with. (But that's blamed on chemistry and hormones, after all.)
This should be a society where even if the other party secretly wants the sex, it wouldn't take place until they were ready. Because even if they wanted sex, and they still managed to muster up a 'no', there's got to be a reason- either subconsciously or not.
There's the 'no, I have morals to adhere to and I'm not having sex until I'm married/on the first date.' There's the 'no, even though I want you, my family wouldn't approve and I'm not willing to go against them.' There's the 'I love you, but I'm saying no because this isn't the right time or place.' 'No, even though I might want sex because you're drunk/whatever and this is just wrong.'
There's millions of reasons. They're all respectable, and all you need is one of those reasons to say no. It's all valid.
And that brings up the point that men just don't have equal rights- not because of the law, but because of society and how we're raised. Who's believe male rape when all we see around us are the stereotypes that men just want the sex? That's a reason I dislike the movie- it's just promoting that image. When one day a man walks into court because he had once been stuck in the same situation as the male character in the movie, the jury just might laugh in his face. Who is the man who goes to court claiming he's been raped by his wife? A woman can go to court saying she's been raped by her husband... but never the other way around.
It's disgusting, this society we live in. Especially if they can produce movies about a topic as serious at this, and have the world laugh at it.
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