First post~

Mar 29, 2007 22:18

After having messed around on Windows Live Spaces for a while, I decided to finally USE my LJ.
So I revamped it to make it look more presentable.
Now, if only I could get my Kame banner resized to a bigger size and still be clear...

I created this LJ account mainly for the purpose of joining KAT-TUNlove.
And now I've decided I'll start treating it like a blog, although it is extremely likely most certainly won't be updated every day.
Since I have to update my WLS as well, I won't be posting all that often.
And this time, I decided to pick a not-dark colour theme!!
HAPPY, MARIE? *is irritated*

Well anyway.
I'll be friend-locking this entire LJ, so don't expect to come ferreting around here if you don't know me. (my WLS is friends-only too.)
That's about it.
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