Title : Chet and Mary
Work : drawing / painting
Fandom : Taken
Pairing/Character : Chet/Mary
Rating : G
Genre/Theme : romance/partnership
Notes : my picture for
cabaretlights , who won my
help_haiti auction some time ago.
Thanks to those of you who took part in it ♥
Another attempt at semi-realistic style. Also, two characters I didn't know at all, so that was new to me. However, I had finished watching the show before I was done with this picture ;) Anybody else watched it?
I can recommend it to any sci-fi fans out there - it's only 10 episodes but it's good quality (Spielberg) and you'll see many familiar faces there!
Btw, speaking of familiar faces...
[ WARNING! Supernatural spoilers!!! Highlight the text below to see ]
So it turned out, as I was worning on this piece and watching Taken, that the guy you see here? The one who was actually one of the best characters on the show (if not the best)?
His name is Matt Frewer and he will be playing one of Supernatural's Horsemen - Pestilence!
I can't wait for it! I know he's going to be brilliant! He's an awesome villain!
[spoilers end here]