Just to Clear Some Things Up

Sep 17, 2010 17:44

At one point this journal was intended to be a private journal for friends and myself only and was to be kept separate from my personal site. However, since the majority of the personal posts that I didn't want to be open to just any person on the net to read could be locked and password protected on my wordpress blog, well my LJ one seemed redundant.

I've taken to following a lot of authors and communities on livejournal and pretty much use my LJ for that purpose now. I've noticed some folks really do prefer to read and follow fics on LJ over FF.net, which struck me as weird given the alert options and subscriptions you can do on FF.net. But with all of the flaming in comments some of my favorite authors and stories receive from the childish antics of members on that site, and of course, with that whole RedBotton and censorship issue going on at Fanfiction.net right now, I find myself preferring LJ too.

So, I plan to use this journal to host my fics, on the off-chance that any of mine get marked by the RedBotton and deleted. I used to host them on my personal site as well....but I like getting feedback from readers and LJ is more conducive to that. Not to mention it's just fun and easy to post stories here. ^_^

So hence forth, the primary function of this journal will be to host my fics with some fangirling posts probably sneaking their way in.

Feel free to friend me to keep an eye out on updates if you like. I don't really write very mature content, so I sincerely doubt anything I write will be hidden behind a friends-only lock.


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