So yes, I've been playing Dissidia nearly a week in a row now. W00t!
So... I tried out a few more characters, like, Frionel Onion Cloud Squall Zidane Tidus Sephiroth Kuja. :D I knew I shouldn't have started out with Bartz though, cause now I find Frionel Cloud and Sephiroth to be freaking slow. But then, I used Sephiroth a bit only and I'm thinking of lvling Frionel now... (he's only Lvl 2)
ANYWAY, as for story mode, I finished Bartz, Zidane and Cloud's. I was going to finish Squall's story too, today, except that I think I really really REALLY MAJORLY suck at using him. ~_~;; And guess what? I got my arse kicked TWICE by a crystal Bartz. Ha ha... I swear Bartz is like his biggest weakness or something and not that my skills sucks!!! okay so my skills sucks big time.. So yeah, I got fed up when the only battle piece on the map is just Bartz and I have to defeat him first before I can get to Ultimecia. Yes I know, I gave up on the VERY FREAKING LAST MAP. But I just got reaaaaaaaaally fed up with crystal Bartz cause he has this feaking 3000+ Brave Point at the STARTING and all he have to do is SPINZAKU SPINBARTZ towards me and I'm dead meat. Don't ask me why I can't block or evade that. I paniced the moment he started spinning k. Oh hey... shit, I should have tried that before I quit... Argh, oh well. Sorry Squall. You, are gonna sit on the bench until I figure a way out on how to defeat SPINBartz. (More like getting use to his attacks ha ha)
As for Cloud's story (I cleared his today too), it was not bad. Though when I defeated Sephiroth, my HP was the same as his ha ha ha... Like, it's just down to who hit who first with HP attack. XD;; It's reaaally weird in that Cloud's lvl 16, and Sephiroth is just freaking lvl 12. But he keep stealing the EX Cores, and my attacks keep missing him ;_; I was soooooo afraid that I'm gonna lose... So yeah, luckily I hit him first... ...Sephiroth, I know you WANT to "lead" Cloud or whatever, but you don't have to dominate that battle like that k...
BUT!! Cloud is the only (for now) to have won all five stages without losing even once (Bartz lost big time on Kuja ;_; and Zidane got his butt kicked by Garland >_<). And, there is one dialogue (the ones that you only see the script and no voice) that's worth the trip for Cloud. :D
Cloud: *said something about choose opponents carefully and not waste energy or something like that blah blah*
Tidus: Yeah, you'll get tired if you wave a big sword around all day!
Cloud: sword is not heavy. It's important to me. (taisetsu na mono da)
This four characters is pretty interesting. Cloud is like the leader going "be careful of this, be careful of that", then Tidus will go "Yeah you hear that Cecil?" or "Got that, Frionel?" and Cecil and Frionel will agree to whatever Cloud's saying and laugh at Tidus. ♥ Sad that Cloud was emoing inside, a bit, but just a bit, so it's okay. *nods*
...Sephiroth is still weird though. *cough*
Next! On Zidane's story. (oh hey, I'm like going backwards... oh well) Zidane's story is okay, and as I said, his butt got kicked by Garland. Reason. It was one of those more powerful pieces. I entered battle without looking carefully... and Garland, with his big ass sword, is hard to kill k. >.< Maybe it's just my sucky skills but oh well
After finishing Zidane's story though, I feel sad for Kuja. ;_; I mean, nvm that his voice actor is Ishida Akira k, it almost seem that he got controled by Ultimecia and that GARLAND, was trying to reach out a hand to him but Kuja brushed it away. And like almost at the same moment that Kuja decided (permanantly, since he has always been in denial from the start) NOT to believe the people on Chaos side, Zidane decided to believe in Bartz and Squall. It.. makes me... want... to... scream. A bit. Sigh. ...maybe I should play FF9.
...I'm not gonna mention Bartz's story cause there's nothing much I want to say about except that Bartz hates Kuja k. (Actually, it was a red piece. I KNOW by then that if you go near a red piece it'll automatically attack you. Just, I wasn't looking where I was going...) >.<;;; Oh, though, Squall copying Bartz's saying is pretty cute. *nods* Oh and Exdeath sucks big time? And cosplaying Bartz is gonna be fun...
*looks up* Okay so, it's a pretty long entry. o_o; One last thing and I'm done.
So. According to Sephiroth and Squall's intro, both Cosmos and Chaos side's characters are "born" into the Dissidia world. I mean, I thought that they were brought over from their original world.. but it's not like that. So it's like they're brought into the Dissidia world without memories of their lives in their original world. That explains why Kuja doesn't already know about his birth. Hmm, so what's this thing with that Dragon thing that Sephiroth said he saw when he was "born", and the Emperor seems to be doing something about it? Oh well. Guess I'll know more when I play finish the whole game. ...or something like that.
So... I guess I've been left out from the world cause I only knew that Michael Jackson passed away today? ^^;; Hey, in my defense, I wasn't at work or near any newspaper k. And you can guess the chances of me turning towards the news channel... So, as a tribute for Michael Jackson...
He had been of great and scandal, on the news for both reasons. But I've always like to think of his songs and MVs more than anything else. His "Earth Song" is one of my favourites and it will always inspire me to do something for Earth whenever I hear it. When I watch the MV, I feel like crying. Not to mention Black and White, Heal The World and other great songs... I wish I can write good poems... Anyway...
~+~+~+~+~+~~*~*~*~*~* Good Bye, but you will always be remembered *~*~*~*~*~~+~+~+~+~+~
Btw, this time of the year is a lousy time to fall sick... Once you have a fever, people starts calling you to go to the hospital to check, you know... sighs.
TV's showing MJ's MVs, as a tribute to him. So I'm go watch it. Jya.