Taking the good and bad

May 10, 2009 22:47

wow what a year it has been well he good news is Yeah classes arw over for me MAY 13!! I am done

so I am hosting a small party at my house to celebrate woot.
the bad news is I tore some of my tendons at work so i am on crunches :p I am taking the good with the bad
more bad news filed chapter 7 bankrupcy
good news my collectors can't call and bug me for money any more
Bad news I only make 300 to 500 dollars a month
good news is I work at K-mart and get 10% discounts there 20 at Sears and I think its 20 at OSH.
Bad news I am stuck at home due to my foot good news I finaly got the twilight series all but the last book and have started to read them
ummmm ok Bad news...............
I feel like a drug actic everything I have to take pain pills
good news is we crack jokes about me "Poppen Pills"
Bad news it took me 5 weeks to get my portfolio perfix
good news ITS FINALLY DONE!!!
and more good news
Good news No more bad news that I can think of

bad news I just spell checked this and noticed my errors
good news thank god for spell check
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