Back from con

Mar 15, 2009 22:58

wow what a weekend... things I learned form con
Taiki's Pants were still a bit too small in the Thighs
6 month old baby girls love my fingers
that Bosie air port sucks ass for having me check Kagome's bow when I carried on the plane from California TSA were still being bitches
that if you do Kagome Priestess style and you have her yellow back pack you are still called Kikyo

lets see....that work called you in while you were delayed in salt lake to see if you could make it by 2 pm to work when A) your flight lands in cal at 1255pm
B) your dead tired have home work and will need to un pack
C) The air port to work is a 1 1/2 hour drive and its grid lock hour
D) you get to work at 3 pm to get your schedule and the still want you to work and you look at them like 0.o;

you try to post pictures of con but are too tired after finish your home work assignment witch kicks ass

and you for get how to pit is due to jet lag... and will post it later

and last but not least

you can't wait for till next year
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