May 8 - Girl!Cap

Apr 29, 2010 09:25


I had to get that out. *g* Since TurnItIn went batshit on our system (it was mixing up student identities sahddasjh;klsjdsaj NO) we switched to SafeAssign. Which has now gone batshit on our system. Thankfully, it's in significantly less frightening ways. It just won't work now. (sighs heavily) So yesterday, I got many, many calls from people who are apparently unable to read the notice we posted. We're also in finals week, so there were the usual "I tried to upload this last week but something went wrong and now it's due in ten minutes HALP" calls, and the ones that aren't actually supposed to go to me but do anyway for some strange reason. This includes textbook pricing questions.

I'm working on putting together an OST (FST? Can it be an FST when I'm the author?) for the girl!Steve fic. I want to use all female vocalists if I can, which is making this kind of awkward (damn you, internet, for not having a female-voiced version of Girl in the War). Also, a surprising number of my girl!power songs are... not Cappish. >_> Though her reaction to Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy would be comedy gold. Posting date is May 8! \♥/

In other news, LJ has done something stupid. Again. (facepalms forever) Dear LJ, please to stop making me want to move permanently to DreamWidth. I love you. All my friends are here. But this is really, really close to too much.

Crossposted to Dreamwidths ohnoz!


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