Weird Ass Dream from Hell. MAKE IT STOP.

Sep 28, 2009 09:13

I think I'm having a waking dream.

I repeatedly woke up during the night with the thought that my animal spirit is trying to puke. It's a very uncomfortable sensation, which a small cup of milk seemed to only make worse, and I don't recommend it. There was also a moment where I am R.J., and I swallowed his wolf spirit, and it's talking to Merrick's wolf spirit, which is being submissive to me because Merrick is an omega, and I'm not clear if I wanted him to be submissive or not. Then I very vividly remember a conversation with starandrea I have not had, which she turns into a post, about how to soothe a sick animal spirit. It involves heating pads, hot polstices, and herbal remedies, filled with comments about relaxation and encouragement that sounds very much like her. I can even picture it on her LiveJournal as if I'm reading it right now.

But my spirit is still nauseous, which is still uncomfortable. And I've only had about four hours of sleep, which may be contributing to how tired and icky I feel. But I woke up with the thought that I needed to post this, so I have.

Oh, and this all started after some dream where -Handwaving- my mom was pissed at me for something about taking a shower and asking for alcohol - absenthe, I think? - even though I'm not entirely sure if was for me. I think it was for guests. And she was really pissed off for asking about it, and I was seriously afraid she was going to hit me. Like, backing away in fear even though all she'd done was glare and raise her voice at me.

-Frowns- Oh. And I was trying to decide why the wolf spirit is angry with another spirit ... or another spirit is angry at me? Something involving Casey, and being mad at me. Or him. I'm not sure why.

Maybe I shouldn't stay up until 4:00am trying to write about R.J. and his animal spirit anymore.

For the record, I don't even have a wolf spirit. I have a coyote and a dog totem, but no wolf.

I'm tired. Can I go back to sleep now? I don't want to be awake yet.

My Yahoo Horoscope this morning:

Something very small starts to heat up midday until it is impossible to ignore by tonight, and it might interfere with your sleep. Fortunately it's only a temporary disturbance, but you still have to face it.

Also, attempting to spell when only semi-conscious is FUN.

dreams, jungle fury, horoscope, totems

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