This Post Breaks for Icons

Sep 04, 2009 23:48

Akume: -Rereading comment- I ... almost make sense.
Akume: In a Bridge sort of way.
Akume: It sounds like a guy so it MUST be a girl!
Starlit_Purple: *snickers* I think it makes sense
Akume: Oh, good.
Akume: If you get confused you can always ask me to clarify again later.
Akume: -Handwaving- When I'm ... y'know.
Akume: Coherent.
Starlit_Purple: *giggles* You're cute when you's sleepy

So, starlit_purple makes this awesome poll about Phantom Ranger and her/his gender. This gets me thinking about *my* Phantom Ranger, Ko-lin of Yu-tari, which makes me want to write Ko-lin/Cassie. 'Cause Ko-lin is a fun character, and I don't write enough femslash.

After much pondering, I decided that I want to write the story of how Ko-lin was brought to Earth in the Bright Skies universe. This lead into re-reading the chapter in which this was mentioned, which led me to:

Cassie gave Ko-lin a quick kiss. "Don't wait up."

"I would not dream of it," the other woman returned dryly. "Please refrain from any action that would require me to discuss your situation with the local law enforcement."

"That was one time!" Cassie said hotly. "When are you going to let it go?"

"Enjoy your night with the girls," Ko-lin returned, kissing her lightly.

... And now I want to write a fun/funny story about Cassie getting arrested when something goes REALLY wrong really fast, and it's totally not her fault, but it escalated. Much like the story behind R.J. getting arrested on his way back to Newtech City to help fight Grumm that was mentioned in Placement. Which I also need to write one of these days.

If anyone has any funny stories behind being arrested they've heard/been through/would like to see happen to Cassie, please share! I need some ideas.

Suggestions/requests of things that happen while Cassie tracks down the Phantom Ranger and drags her butt back to Earth are also welcome.

And because all this talk of Phantom Ranger made me introspective, I give you Phantom and Cassie/Phantom icons!











ko-lin/cassie, phantom ranger, icons

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