The Epic Life-Eating Bastard Fic LIVES!

Aug 10, 2009 21:15

I don't know if anybody over here reads Fade to Darkness, but if you do ...

I actually updated! For the first time in like, two years. -Feels guilty-

Something about playing Harvest Moon gave me some inspiration, so I'm running with it while I've got it. Don't know how long it'll last, but I'm hoping for a bit at least. -Crosses fingers-

So apparently I'm now working on A Darker Shade of Red and Fade to Darkness at the same time. Wish me luck? ^.^;;

In the meantime, I have banners I don't particularly like!

I wanted to make these two into one banner, but there's no way they'd all fit. So I made two, and I'm sort of ... meh, about both of them.

Then I gave up and made this one, which is really too big. But I still think it came out the best.

banners, ftd

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