Bright Skies (Multi - Season Crossover/Power Rangers, prompt #10: Sixth Sense, T)

Mar 07, 2008 05:21

It is now official: Every fifth prompt for Bright Skies will be an Eric chapter.

Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force moving into S.P.D., multiple Rangers from each season
Characters/: Wes (Time Force), multiple Rangers from other teams (Literally too many to list)
Pairings/: Post - Wes/Eric, Rocky/Adam, Shane/Dustin, Hunter/Cam ( Read more... )

wes/eric, bright skies, s.p.d., time force

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Comments 7

germankitty March 7 2008, 19:41:51 UTC
Ooh, this is great! Especially after rereading the other chapters at FFnet. Good stuff!


Now I want to hug them both lunaria_kitty March 7 2008, 20:44:05 UTC
Aww, he did come. It's kind of a bittersweet reunion though. But I'm glad that Eric called Mr. Collins. I kinda wondered if that was him or not. I'm glad he went to see Wes at least, that made me happy. Now I'm hoping he'll come back soon. :)

Great job, totally loving it! ♥


aisho_ren March 8 2008, 21:39:07 UTC
Eric really was with Wes. Awesome. I really couldn't see how he could stay away if Wes was hurt.

Plus I love Eric using his morpher to keep track of Wes.


lilyleia78 March 10 2008, 05:32:51 UTC
I KNEW Eric was really there!!! Although, man do I feel bad for both of them. Excellent use of morphers.


Giggles tsukino_akume March 10 2008, 05:38:38 UTC
-Cannot stop laughing- OMG, I *LOVE* your icon! That cracks me up!

Thanks for the comment. I almost didn't make him there after all, but then I decided he needed his own point of view. The Quantum Morpher came from pondering with Challon of just how in the world Eric always seems to know when they need him. That, and trying to figure out why his morpher has seven buttons while the Chrono Morphers only have three.

-Still snickering- Icon Love! ♥


Re: Giggles lilyleia78 March 10 2008, 05:57:12 UTC
Thanks! I have no icon skills. I got this one from angel_negra. :)


Re: Giggles tsukino_akume March 10 2008, 06:30:52 UTC
You still have the skill of picking them out, and I am always in awe of the ones you use. ^_~


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