Why do I always do this to myself?
My Messengers are on the fritz again, for anyone who's looking for me. -Grumbles- So to amuse myself, I started reading random Supernatural fics on
fanfiction.net in hopes of being inspired for the last three chapters of Fractured Fates, since ZhaneMuse seems to have run out of steam again. But being me, when I find a particular author I enjoy, I browse their favorites for other good stories - which often gets me into a whole 'nother genre altogether.
Currently, I managed to wander my way into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fandom. c.c;; I've adored the turtles for years (I'm a child of the 80's-90's; so sue me.), but I'm usually leery of the fandom because they tend to combine various incarnations I haven't seen, or throw in OCs that I can't even tell are OCs because I'm so out of the loop. Not to mention I hate the new 'updated' cartoon with a passion. I want my turtles to have EYES, damn it! And showing the weapons moving by just drawing a spinning circle is cheating! That, and I miss the movie version, when Raphael actually swore. Saying 'shell' all the time is *really* annoying. >.<
Anyway, this wandering spree lead me to a beautiful story called
Picking Up the Pieces, by Sanru, in which Donatello falls victim to a medical experiment that leaves him with amnesia and unable to communicate properly. I highly recommend it; half the fun was reading it as Donatello 'understood' everyone, then going back to translate what they were saying. It was like rediscovering the fic all over again.
Downside to this: now I have a plot bunny for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, involving Raphel getting attached to a little blind girl. -_-;; I'm fairly certain it's been done and overdone, but it just won't go away! -Whimpers-
Again: *why* do I do these things to myself?!
Oh! And another note: could someone answer something for me? I *swear* Raphael was supposed to be the oldest, then Leonardo, Donatello, and Michelangelo, with Leo as the leader. But everything I've come across the past couple of days says *Leo* is the oldest. Was it always that way and I was just delusional, or did Leo and Raph magically swap places after the 2000's hit?