Bright Skies

Dec 31, 2011 02:00

When Wes' life starts to fall apart, an accident gives him a chance at a fresh start in Newtech City, with Space Partol Delta. But even a new life has its ups and downs - and weird friends. Meanwhile, Eric tries to move on.

001. Beginnings002. Endings003. Somewhere In Between004. First005. Dead Last006. Sunrise007. Sunset008. Too Much009. Not Enough010. Sixth Sense011. Uh-oh!012. Success013. A Real Big Problem014. Save the Day015. Villain (antagonist)016. King017. Queen018. Joker019. Sidekick020. Evil is Fun!021. What was that?022. Water023. Fire024. Earth025. Spirit026. Air027. Just Passing Through028. Music029. Fixed030. Broken031. School032. Shadow033. Fight!034. Destruction035. Shattered036. Missing037. Light038. Hopelessness039. Blind040. Choices041. Deaf042. Reluctant Hero043. Parents044. Life045. Attitude046. Leaving it all behind047. Black048. Morph! (change)049. Keeping It Secret050. Strangers051. Zords(vehicles)052. Red053. Blue054. Writer's Choice: Offended055.Robot056. Time Warp057. Pink058. Green059. Hours060. Welcome to the Club061. Yellow062. What cool toys you have!063. White064. Friends065. Teammates066. Enemies067. Lovers068. Family069. Thank You070. What has gone before071. Heart072. Writer‘s Choice: Traumatized073. Healing074. Writer‘s Choice: Unforgiveable075. Storm076. Diamond in the Rough077. Agony078. Snow079. Sun080. Rain081. Winter082. Writer‘s Choice: Recovered083. Moon084. Breakfast085. Lunch086. Dinner087. Star088. Spring089. Summer090. Resistance is Futile 091. Writer‘s Choice: Sleepless 092. Against All Odds 093. Fall 094. A New Year 097. Found 094. Drink 095. You only Hurt the Ones you Love 096. Lost 099. Holiday 100.Birthday 000.Epilogue: Future
Side Stories:
How to Blow Up Time Force in Eight Easy Steps: Steps 1-4
How to Blow Up Time Force in Eight Easy Steps: Steps 5-8
This story has been brought to you by the pr_au100 challenge

wes/eric, bright skies, s.p.d., time force

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