Sibling Syndrome (Supernatural AU, K)

May 08, 2009 10:31

Apparently this is what a live-action version of Dean's son would look like. Going by who the artist who drew Johnny said they'd like to see play him. -Is amused-

Fandom/: Supernatural (AU)
Characters/: Sam, Dean, Winry (From Fullmetal Alchemist), and Johnny (OC based off of Maguri from The Gentleman's Alliance Cross)
Pairings/: Dean/Winry
Rating/: K
Disclaimer/: I do not own Supernatural. I *do* co-own the plot of the RPG this is based from, although 98% of the characters are stolen from other shows.
Summary/: Sam wakes up in the middle of the night and finds himself tracking down his elusive family.
Warnings/: Unexplained background, OCs -Gasp!-, some language (Hey, it *is* Supernatural)
Author's Notes/: Roleplaying as Sam and Dean is fun. Especially when I get to go back and do Sam's POV of scenes that we've done. Oddly, writing this has given me some interesting insight as to how my Sam would feel about his nephew that I hadn't thought of before.

... And now I wanna write older Sam and Dean with families. c.c;;

This is a sequel to Trapped Paradise, in which Dean and Sam are taken in by a group of immortals living on an island after John dies.

Sam's eyes shot open.

He frowned, blinking muzzily at the dark ceiling above him. No nightmares ... or at least, none that he could specifically remember. He wasn't too hot or too cold, and there wasn't anyone else in the room ... So why was he awake?

He sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and stretching absently. He blinked in the darkness for a moment before climbing out of bed and reaching for a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Wandering down the hall, he tried to think of anything that might have woken him up.

His brother's room was empty.

The covers had been thrown back, and both he and Winry were gone. Sam paused to study the room for a few minutes and finally deduced that while they'd left in a hurry, there were no signs of a struggle. Which meant something had alerted them, and whatever had Dean on edge had finally gotten to him.

He frowned deeper and walked back down the hall to glance into Johnny's room. It was also empty, but without the rush that his brother's had been abandoned in. Well, that solved the mystery, he mused to himself. He sighed in mild annoyance as he returned to his room to retrieve his remote, because they could have at least had the decency to wake him up themselves. Yeah, it was obvious Dean and Winry had been going after Johnny in a panic, but still. This was *his* nephew they were panicking over.

Nephew. Little brother. Whatever it was he and Johnny were for the day. Their relationship was ... complicated.

After Dad's death, Dean had officially taken over the role of Sam's parent. Not that there'd been much of a noticeable change, because Dean was always overprotective and telling him what to do, but there was a sort of ... 'I'm responsible for you now, so shut it and deal' undertone to everything he did after that.

And when Winry had come into Dean's life, she'd understood that Sam came first to his older brother - something Sam privately doubted Dean would ever have found in another woman. Not only had she actually understood, but she'd made a point of including Sam in the time she spent with Dean, or making time for her and Sam alone. When she'd gotten pregnant, she'd made a point of forcing Sam, who'd been barely thirteen at the time, realize that this didn't make him any less a part of their lives. Dean had simply assumed he knew; Winry flat-out told him.

Johnny had entered their lives with a bang and a bad attitude, following in the footsteps of both Winchesters and Himuras before him. And while his infant nephew hadn't liked him much in the beginning, Sam had noticed that Dean and Winry both made a point of treating them exactly the same. Despite the age difference, and the roles they weren't supposed to share.

It had confused him for years. Still did, a little. Sometimes Dean acted like he and Johnny were *both* his kids, and more than once he'd slipped up and called them brothers. ("Sam, don't pick on your brother. Johnny, stop beating up your brother. Or at least let me show you the right way to do it first.") Other times he would remember that Sam was actually his *brother*, not his son, and that Johnny was Sam's nephew. ("Johnny, be good for your Uncle Sammy, okay? Keep him out of trouble. Sam, keep Johnny out of trouble, would you?") Then there were the times he didn't even seem to care. ("What the hell did you two do now?! I don't care *who's* fault it is, but someone's gonna pay, damn it!")

Over the years Sam and Johnny had come to the understanding that their roles in each other's lives changed daily, and learned to accept it. More than once they'd agreed that Dean was probably mental, but they lived with it. They both loved him in their own way, and while they still tended to get jealous of each other - because while they'd never admit it, deep down they both wanted *all* of Dean's attention to themselves - they were more likely to accept when one of them wasn't Dean's first choice. Because Dean didn't *make* first choices. At least, not anymore.

It had been hard for Sam at first, accepting Winry, and later Johnny, into his brother's life. Because now that Dean had a family, his attention wasn't completely focused on his baby brother anymore. And for all that Sam had thought he hated Dean's mothering ... he kind of missed it. But he knew Dean still cared, and he knew it was selfish to try and keep his wife and son away from him, so he learned to adjust.

He slipped into a pair of sandals at the front door, only for the fact that Dean would flip if his feet were dirty. He tried squinting to see whether the shoes were actually his own or Dean's and finally decided he really didn't care. They were quick and comfortable, and that was all that mattered for now.

The housing area was quiet, and he hadn't bothered to glance at a clock before he left to figure out if that was unusual or not. He paused to look around, frowning and waiting to see if any malevolent feelings hit him. They didn't, and he gave one last glance before moving on.

Heero and Duo's house was silent the same all the others, but the garage still opened for the remote he'd been given. The Impala waited for him in the darkness, and something about her made him smile. He ran a hand along her hood as he approached with a reverence Dean would have been shocked by, his fingers trailing along the door as he paused to survey the back seat.

Dean was curled up inside, Johnny sandwiched between him and Winry. Johnny looked tired but peaceful, and surprisingly comfortable for a teen who was fast outgrowing the space he'd squeezed himself into. Dean had an arm around Johnny's back as his son snuggled into his shoulder, his hand disappearing again behind Winry as she leaned against them both. It was the sort of family moment that demanded a photo op, and the sort of thing he knew Dean had never seen himself having.

He swallowed hard as something inside him ached.

He was tempted to go back to the house, leaving them to their private moment, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. The house felt cold and empty without De - without the others there, and the walk back suddenly felt longer than it should have. The Impala seemed warm and inviting, and the front seat *was* still empty ...

He sighed, shaking his head with a rueful smile, and opened the door as silently as he could.

Forget about Johnny; *he* was too big to still be squeezing himself into this damn car. After several minutes of trying to find a comfortable position, he finally settled his back awkwardly against the passenger door, knees drawn up just enough to fit his legs against the opposite side. He paused long enough to kick his sandals to the floor, then resettled himself with a sigh. It wasn't perfect, but it would do.

A hand settled against his hair.

He let out a longer, deeper sigh of contentment without meaning to and leaned into the hand, resting his cheek against the back of the seat. A thumb gently stroked his hair, and he barely heard the murmured. "Night, Sammy."

"Night, Dean," he mumbled, already nearly asleep.


He woke to dim sunlight just beginning to streak through the back window of the garage, and it took a moment to place where he was. His back hurt in ways it never had before, his knees felt like they'd never bend naturally again, and he had a charley horse from hell. He managed to whimper only slightly as he uncurled.

Glancing around the Impala as he finally managed to sit up all the way - several minutes later - revealed Dean watching at him in amusement. "Morning, Sunshine," his older brother teased softly.

He made a face at him and grunted faintly. God, it was too early and he was in too much pain for this. Why the *hell* had he come out here again?

His eyes moved over Dean to fall on Johnny and Winry, both still fast asleep, and he sighed. Oh, yeah. That was why.

" ... He okay?" he croaked finally.

Dean nodded, still looking far too awake and amused for his own good. "He needed her for the night, I guess," he answered quietly, patting the side of the car affectionately with his free hand.

Sam's brow furrowed. Unlike him and Dean, Johnny hadn't grown up in the Impala, and while Winry appreciated her for the classic she was, neither of them were anywhere as attached to her as he and Dean were. " ... Why?"

Dean let out a long sigh. "You remember that little girl and her brother he's been hangin' around? Savannah and ... what the hell's his name ... Suzie Something? Johnny keeps callin' him Prince."

It took a moment, but he finally nodded in acknowledgement. "Savannah and Sizumasa," he corrected. Sizumasa, if he remembered correctly, had been a complete pain and only seemed to tolerate Johnny for his sister's sake, while Savannah was a little ray of sunshine that Johnny blatantly adored. But there'd been something wrong with her, something he couldn't put his finger on ... hadn't there?

"Whatever," Dean dismissed. He sighed again and shook his head, glancing down at his son with an expression of pained understanding. "Savannah passed away yesterday."

Sam winced. "Poor kid," he murmured without thinking. He wasn't sure if he was referring to Johnny, or his friend.

"Yeah ... " Dean sighed, reaching up to brush Johnny's bangs back with one hand.

The gesture was disturbingly Not Dean, but the Daddy Dean he'd seen more and more of since Johnny had been born. It made him blink rapidly for a moment, and he hoped Dean didn't see it. "You think he'll be all right?" he forced himself to ask.

"'Course he will. He's a Winchester," Dean dismissed. But his fingers continued to card through Johnny's bangs.

Sam forced a smile he didn't feel. "And a Himura," he pointed out. "Winry would kill you if you forgot that."

It was oddly true, too. Johnny was a playboy and a smartass the same way Dean was, but he didn't play around as much as Dean had when he was Johnny's age. He was smart and had a temper from hell the same as his mother, but he didn't have the same fascination with mechanics as his parents did. He was more laid back than either of them - at least until someone pissed him off - and was just as likely to diffuse a bad situation with a lazy smile as he was with his fists, which Dean claimed was Sam's influence.

Quite frankly, Sam didn't see it.

Dean shrugged his free shoulder in response, his eyes still on his son. "What time is it?" he asked abruptly.

Sam blinked, turning his neck with a slight wince to find the clock on the far wall of the garage. He squinted. "Breakfast is in fifteen. You should probably get them up if anyone's planning on getting dressed first."

The hand that ruffled his hair as he turned back around startled him, and he stared at his older brother in surprise. "Dean?"

He was rewarded with an oddly fond smile. It lingered, and at last Dean shook his head. "Nothin'. Hey, I'll get sleeping beauty, you wake your younger brat, how's that sound?"

... And apparently Johnny was his little brother today. "It sounds more than slightly unfair," he retorted, already reaching to poke the teen in question in the ribs. "Johnny? Time to get up for school."

There was a muffled grunt, and Johnny shifted to try and bury his face into Dean's shoulder.

Sam sighed, rolling his eyes. "It's time for food, Johnny."

One golden eye cracked open, peering up at him through bangs the same shade of bright blond as Winry's. Honestly, the only thing he seemed to get from Dean was his freckles and increasing height. "Well, why didn't you say so?" he retorted.

And his irritating sense of humor.

Sam rolled his eyes again with an annoyed sigh, struggling to maneuver for his sandals, which revealed themselves to be Dean's upon further inspection in the light. "Forgive me for thinking you might need an education," he grumbled.

He completely missed the amused looks Dean and Winry exchanged - as well as the fact that Winry's 'wake-up' kiss hadn't exactly lived up to its name.

"Aren't you supposed to be the smart one in this family? Why do I even need to go to school, anyway?" Johnny asked, squirming out from between his parents and reaching for the door.

Sam stretched as he finally uncurled from the car, wincing again as his back popped loudly. "Didn't you just get into a huge fight with your principal about *not* wanting to be suspended?" he wondered aloud.

"Well, yeah. But that's just 'cause I've gotta watch out for the others," Johnny dismissed.

Sam rolled his eyes yet again at the mention of his cousins. He was wrong; Johnny *was* Dean's child, through and through. Complete with the massive overprotective streak and tendency to get into trouble. "Dean? Next time save us all some time and trouble and just clone yourself, okay?"

Winry laughed even as she pretended to glare at him. Johnny turned backwards to stuck his tongue out as he jogged toward the house.

"Sammy, don't pick on your brother," Dean lectured, but he was grinning. "Besides, why waste money on cloning? Between my boys and my brilliant wife, I am already set for *life*."

The smug bastard really was, too.

"Okay, I get why you might assume that *I'm* going to pay for the Impala's parts and your damn M&M's - which I'm not," Winry mused, "But what exactly are you thinking Sam and Johnny are going to do for you?"

Dean's smirk could have split his face. "They're my slave labor. Obviously."

Sam and Johnny flipped him off at the same time. They exchanged glances as Winry laughed, Sam's eyebrows raising and Johnny smirking. "Race you back to the house, Sam!" the teen declared, spinning around.

It was stupid. He was twenty-nine years old, for Christ's sake. What did he need to race his sixteen-year-old nephew for? He didn't have anything to prove.

" .... Cheater!" he called, sprinting after him. He cursed as he nearly tripped over his sandals before regaining his footing. "You're gonna pay for that!"

"Hey! Are those my shoes?!" Dean demanded.

Somehow, the crick in his neck from sleeping in the Impala was completely worth the lecture he got later as Sano worked to put his spine back in place.

fanfiction, the world that never lasts, supernatural

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