The PR Fandom sometimes makes sense, I swear!

Jan 03, 2009 03:27

I totally forgot that I promised to post this a while ago. phantom_blue shared this really funny video:

Afterward, we got into this conversation to decide how to sum up our own fandom, since the Harry Potter fandom is quite happily known to be insane.

phantom.rogue: I wants a PR one
challon86: Me too
akume_gd: OMG! This is *AWESOME*!
phantom.rogue: *grins* Yes
phantom.rogue: A PR fandom history would be awesome. HP has one 'cause they're freaking insane. I want one
akume_gd: I just love that they're actually calling their own fandom insane.
challon86: -Laughs- True
phantom.rogue: *laughs*
phantom.rogue: Well, I'd say the same about mine
akume_gd: We're not insane. We try to make *sense*.
akume_gd: Sometimes.
phantom.rogue: Well, okay. Sometimes
challon86: -Giggles-
akume_gd: -Considers- Well, half of the PR Fandom exists to fix plot holes. The other half exists to create their own teams and make more plot holes.
phantom.rogue: Hee! Yes!
akume_gd: So we're not insane, we're just contructive/destructive.
phantom.rogue: *is amused* I think I attempt to belong to both halves at the same time
phantom.rogue: That might be my problem
challon86: -Giggles-
challon86: -Sighs happily-
challon86: I love this show
akume_gd: Oh, I'm easily both.
akume_gd: Just look at what I did with Bright Skies.
akume_gd: And don't even get me started on FtD.
phantom.rogue: *grins*
akume_gd: -Ponders- I should post that.
challon86: Please do
phantom.rogue: Yes

randomness, power rangers fandom

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