NaNo and All Hallow's Eve

Nov 03, 2008 16:03

"Oh, stop the world, Ma, I wanna get off."
-Rocky DeSantos in Crystal Blue Persuasion, #8 in Ellen Brand's Personality Conflicts Series.

Drama, drama everywhere and no relief in sight. While I love and adore my family, and my Phoenix Family, and I know that it's no one's fault, it seems like they're all having problems at the same time! What is this? Pick on Akume day? (Someday the bad PR quotes will stop, I swear. Maybe.)

On a happier note, NaNo may be the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm working on a story I've literally been developing for *ten years*, and now .. well look!

4968 / 50000 words. 10% done!

I'm so proud of myself. ^.^ I've managed to consistently write Topaz Eyes for three days in a row! Whoot! \o/

Also, I have discovered that there is some sort of strange energy in the area of Idaho in which I currently live.

Now, I've known for a long time now that I have psychic ability. If you'd like the breakdown, I 'm psychic - sense energy, paranormal psychic - sense spiritual energy, marginally empathic - occasionally pick up on emotions of people I know really well, and I seem to be developing foresight - the ability to see glimpses of the future. (Foresight, just to let everyone know, royally sucks. It makes me nauseous, and by the time I figure out what the random glimpse I saw was, it doesn't even matter anymore. And it's rarely anything important.)

I'm also Wiccan, which means that I think of Halloween more in the sense of All Hallow’s Eve, the night when the veil between the physical and spiritual realms is thinnest.

Now, thinking on that, that means that on the night when all the ghosties are running around, I can *sense* them. End result? My brother couldn't figure out whether to laugh at me or haul me off to the nuthouse on Halloween night.

I slept maybe five hours the previous night, 'cause I was all keyed up. I was fine while I sat on my computer reading, but the moment I got up to get ready for work, I was so full of energy I couldn't stop twitching - literally. I had this insistent feeling that I *MUST* wear all black, which I would have done anyway in honor of the holiday, but this feeling nailed me the moment I reached for a brown sweatshirt jacket. I couldn't wear brown - it had to be *black*. So I ended up in a black wool trenchcoat.

I was still twitchy, so I tried to find my Celtic medallion, which is a warrior's medallion for protection, and my quartz and malachite pendant - both of which are my focus crystals. Found the pendant, but not the medallion. Tore apart my room searching for it, made myself late because I *NEEDED* it and I could *not* calm down without it. My brother solved the problem by offering to let me use one of his. He had two, and the moment I touched the pewter wolf's head pendant I knew that it was the one I needed. I put it on, and was instantly *much* calmer.

Work would have been fun, trying to sit down and make phone calls for four hours while filled with all this energy I couldn't get rid of. But thankfully, they gave me the day off. Because seriously, who wants to answer the phone to do a survey when they have trick-or-treaters? So, much relieved, I called my brother to come back and get me, and went outside to hug a tree. Yes, I mean that literally. My element is earth, so hugging the tree helped ground me a little more.

After brother picked me up, I got him to take me to Wal-Mart so I could buy a candle to burn that night, in honor of the spiritual holiday. Not too bad, picked up a white candle, a plate to burn it on, and some matches.

The real trouble came after that, when we left and I wanted to find food. First, I wanted a burrito. Then I wanted Subway, but I sort of didn't. Then I wanted curly fries. Then a baked potato. A shake. Jamba Juice. My cravings *would not* settle down! My brother was teasing me that if he didn't know any better, he'd have thought I was pregnant.

I ended up settling multiple cravings at once. Got the burrito with chips and salsa (which I actually can't stand), a large soda, and two churros. Got Jamba Juice. Then went and picked up a baked potato from Wendy's on the way home. Which, halfway there, I found myself craving Dip n' Dots *right now*. I don't even really *like* Dip n' Dots.

We ignored the Dip n' Dots craving and made it home, parking in the backyard so we could stargaze while I ate. My brother went inside to use the restroom, and me? I knocked my Jamba Juice all over his car. And me. x.x I was trying to find places for the soda and Jamba and ... yeah. I went inside to change and get something to clean up after swearing myself blue in the face for several minutes, and found myself having another argument with psychic intuition because my pants *MUST BE BLACK*! By the time I made it back out, I was still cursing, and my brother looked at me, gave me a hug, and told me it was okay, he wasn't mad. I sort of scrubbed ineffectually at the car a little, then gave up because it was too hard to see in the dark.

After that we went inside so I could finish eating and ended up watching August Rush on the DVR.

Moment to squee over the movie:

I have never in my life emphasized so completely with a movie before. It was like, this is my life! That's *me*! That's how I feel about music, and stories and writing! (Although for the record, I suck at writing music. The stuff I hear is still all in my head.) I was in love. That, and I adore the actor who plays Evan/August. He was amazing in Spiderwick Chronicles, too.

Oh, and I want the soundtrack. Maybe for my birthday.

-Clears throat- Anyway, the rest of the night was mostly mundane. Watched the movie, threatened to beat my brother for repeatedly interrupting it because he had a sugar rush, and eventually wandered back to my room for chatting and beginning NaNo.

One more - well, two more weird points of the night. My brother's medallion that I was wearing? I went to take it off about ten minutes to midnight, and got massively dizzy. I put it back on, and I was fine. I looked at him and told him I'd give it back later. Then around 1:30am or so, I got this massive headache, and it felt like the thing was weighing me down. Took if off and set it beside me, and magically the headache is gone. -Rolls eyes-

So, that was my Halloween night. It's not the first time residual energy on All Hallow’s Eve has made me spastic, but that was definitely the worst it's ever been. The only reasons I could come up with was the for one, when I was living in Southern California, there was a lot more distractions to keep me from noticing it, and two, this area had a bad flood many years ago, which is what I'm thinking it was. 'Cause I was ... wow. Yeah, even for me.

And I totally have the urge to write a fic about Cam dealing with All Hallow’s Eve energy now, but NaNo is taking up my time. So everyone may get a Halloween fic for Christmas. ^_~

*Wal-Mart is in the Microsoft Works dictionary. -Is highly amused-

randomness, nanowrimo, rant

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