(no subject)

Nov 21, 2014 21:59

-Flops- It's been a busy week.

appears to imply that my next year will be The Year of Broken Things. I've been fighting a really nasty cold for more than a week now, and my voice was barely there. (I'd had to call out for the previous two and a half days because I had no voice, so this was actually an improvement.) I locked myself out of one of the programs we use, and had to get a password reset. My work computer, which had been having issues with the screen blacking out for a while now, finally decided to give me an error message to let me know that the graphics card was dying.

But it was also a day of things that were easily resolved, too. While I was sick, I was/am getting better. The password reset was swift and painless. The tech guy came to look at my computer, saw the screenshot I'd grabbed of the error message, and promised to bring me a new computer tomorrow. (Which he did.) I had an optometrist appointment set for the next day, because I declared my birthday present to myself this year was going to be new glasses.

I choose to believe that this means that my next year will be a year of hope, and the promise that things will improve. It's a cheerful thought.

The office was really pretty and awesome, and everything was taken care of a lot more quickly and efficiently than I'd expected. Everyone was super nice. My vision is worse than it was four years ago (which I knew), but new glasses are being made for me. And in the meantime I'm enjoying a trial pair of contacts in my new prescription! I wasn't going to get contacts because my insurance only covered one or the other, but they offered to get me the prescription while they were updating things, and yeah, I'm SO glad they did. I missed contacts. And these ones don't make me farsighted like my old ones, so I get to enjoy wearing them all the time again.

Ooh, and the office has puppies! Turns out the doctor is a big dog lover, and she brings them in to work with her. When I first made my appointment, one of the girls at the receptionist desk was playing with a little dog dressed in a coat. And for my appointment day, the doctor brought in this black dog who was old and deaf, and a TOTAL sweetheart. He made a beeline for me when he saw me, and we spent a good ten minutes enjoying each other's company while they got my glasses ordered. ^_^ The girls seemed worried he would scare me, I guess because they think he's really big? (About the size of a Lab or Retriever). I laughed, because I grew up with three dogs his size. And he was too sweet and happy to be scary at all. ♥

On the subject of Birthday Presents, I give you Beautiful Fantasy Dream Horse, given to me by my lovely girlfriend
arytra. ♥

Amusing Yet True Facts:
1) I did not tell her beforehand that I used to collect Breyer horses as a kid.
2) After
rosabelle asked me what 'her' name was, I decided on Rainbow before remembering that most Breyer horses are anatomically correct and come with a name. Further inspection determined that his name actually *is* Rainbow, as determined by Breyer.

I still don't really like my job. Namely because it's a contact center, and I HATE HATE HATE being on the phone all day. Especially when my day is spent explaining things to people, a good portion of which are ... unable to comprehend, shall we say.

Also, my temp agency sucks. For many, many, many reasons.

But the company I'm contracted to is pretty nice. For one thing, they like to feed us. A lot. And give us things and promote charities.

Today they celebrated all the November Birthdays for the contact center, which meant coming into work and discovering a printed card wishing me a happy birthday and a balloon taped to the side of my cubicle, which led to lots of 'Happy Birthday!' wishes. My supervisor had me take my lunch late so that I could join in the picture taking and giving of birthday cupcakes with little cartons of ice cream for all the birthday people. (I actually dropped my first cupcake on the carpet, but they were totally cool about it and gave me another one. ^_^) One of my fellow Scorpios cracked everyone up by pointing out that it wasn't really that surprising to have so many birthdays in November, as it's nine months from Valentine's Day. We were dubbed 'celebratory babies' by the attending supervisors. -Glee-

Then at the end of my lunch, they opened up one of the breakrooms to celebrate our 1st Annual Pie Appreciation Day. Eleven kinds of pie, all different. I picked strawberry-rhubarb (Brother's Nana introduced it to me last year, so I had to grab one when I saw it.), and there were two different crusts to choose from. And the slice they gave me was HUGE; I ended up having to take it home, because I was too full to eat it. x.x

Second Birthday Spoils! (The pie is between the plates. The cupcake and ice cream were long gone by then.)

In other news, my Nano finally broke 6000 words last night! \0/ (No, seriously.) I'm not giving up on it, but I'm doubtful I'll win. But I'm still writing as much as I can, even though it's only been a couple hundred words a day. I'm hoping to put a bigger dent into it over the remaining weekends.

I won't get too much done tomorrow though, because I have a Team Bonding thing for work. We're going to a driving range to play golf and get drunk. The other option was sitting at a bar with games. As I pointed out to my supervisor, it's better that we try and bond over an activity before we deal with the long awkward conversations. And hey, we're competitive.

Not so much me. But I am notoriously lethal with a golf club in all the worst ways, so it should be an entertainingly violent amount of Fail.

birthdays, work

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