Still Not Dead

Oct 25, 2014 16:15

Also just realized I haven't posted since the end of August. Whoops. x.x I keep intending to, but I'm usually too damn tired to think clearly enough to say anything.

I'm still working at Prison. I really need a better name for it. It still sucks, and people suck, and it's exhausting, but

Three weeks ago - well, they technically asked me the Thursday before, but it was about that - we had the official culling of the herd from our training class, and I now understand the term 'White Box Society' (as one of my trainers dubbed it). Much to my surprise not only did I survive, but they asked me to cross-train to take calls for another department. I agreed, because well, I like working, even if I don't really like it here, and I figure the more money they invest in training me the longer they're likely to keep me around. So I had a week of training, which was really more two and a half days of training, and one day of taking calls in pairs with our training hovering over. The past two weeks have been 'nesting', where I take calls specifically for that line and have another person hovering around for whenever one of us has a question. Which is good, because there were a lot of them.*

I've also been involved in a fundraiser that flopped, and planning for my team's holiday decorations for a competition. (We're going with mental institution a la Hellraiser 2). I even signed up for a potential 'roundtable committee' that's supposed to start next month. Don't know if it'll work out yet, but I ARE PARTICIPATING IN WORK THINGS.**

On the downside, there has been life drama, and between that and training I've been too exhausted when I finally get home at night to do much but make dinner, check updates, read or play video games for an hour or two, and go to bed. Still haven't managed the bedtime thing yet, either.

Life drama centers around the car this month, which has apparently decided First of all, it started making this loud, thunking noise whenever it moved, so we couldn't drive it for a week. Shi-chan bummed rides of of co-workers and found someone who could drop me off for work (super-early though, which sucked), and I managed to plead a couple of rides home while I was on the training schedule. The car was blessedly fixed by the next Monday (THANK YOU FIRESTONE! ♥); turned out both front wheels had cracked. Not the rims - the wheels. In nearly a full circle around the bolts. The mechanics were couldn't believe it: one of them flat-out told Shi-chan steel should not be able to do that. It cost me about $250 to fix them both, which isn't bad, but. >.< Then Shi-chan go pulled over a couple of weeks ago and got ticketed for license and state inspection sticker, which we hadn't known was expired. She took it in last Monday and it failed, so this week has been trying to get things together to get it passed by her court date next Friday. Then *I* got pulled over last Tuesday, by another cop who wrote me up for my out-of-state license.*** So now this coming Friday, which I took off for All Hallow's Eve, I will now be stuck at the DMV and two different courthouses, dealing with tickets. I AM NOT HAPPY. >.<++++++

So for today, there is food, and relaxing. Possibly Sherman and Mr. Peabody, because I wanna see it.

After that, who knows.

* When my supervisor asked me if I would cross-train, he assured me that this line is a lot of black-and-white issues. HAH.
** Someone made a crack at me the other day: "It's something you wouldn't understand: it's called a social gathering." I still can't wrap my mind around why she said it. It felt very high school, and I suddenly felt very old.)
*** Fucker started following me right after I'd slowed down because I realized I'd accidentally been speeding before I noticed him, caught up with me almost half a mile later and paced me to check my inspection sticker in the window, then pulled me over to give me a ticket for the sticker. When I showed him the paperwork for the fail the day before, he took my license and insisted he *had* to write me up for it. Even though I told him I work while the DMV is open, and I specifically took next Friday off to go deal with it. (Which is not why, but I will be.) -Still so pissed-

life drama, work

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