I have shinies! And words!

Nov 16, 2013 00:49

punkpinkpower is lovely and fabulous and has good taste in jewelry, and I love her. ♥

(We knew this, but it always bears repeating. Always.)

In other news, my NaNo is currently plodding along at 12,684. I don't even care that I'm 13,000 behind because damn it, they are *there*, and I am STILL WRITING! -Fist pump- Seriously, that is all I care about this year. As long as I'm writing, that's what matters to me.

That, and I ended up taking a break from Space Pirates with Dragons to pay attention to ShinyAntonioMuse because he was DEMANDING my attention, and he has rewarded me with Changing Tactics, which is an AU where Lauren stayed with the team, while Jayden was sent off to master the sealing symbol and grew up with Antonio. It's turning out to be loads of fun. I have no idea what's going on half the time.

* ETA: Before I forget to mention it (again), I've posted my Birthday/Holiday Wishlist for this year. Because it's that time again. -Eyes Friends List pointedly-

antonio/jayden, writing, nanowrimo, fanfiction, prs, fandom

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