Bright Skies (Multi - Season Crossover/Power Rangers, prompt #54: Yellow, T)

Aug 05, 2008 15:22

I'd normally say something here, but I'm too angry and hurt and upset to think coherently. I'm still trying to decide if I should attempt work or not when I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs.

Bad day. Bad last few weeks. Let's leave it at that.

Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force moving into S.P.D., multiple Rangers ( Read more... )

bright skies

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Comments 4

m14mouse August 6 2008, 00:22:56 UTC
First off...::hugs.:: I am soooo sorry for your bad day...and urghh...weeks. But I know what will cheer you up. Go to Jetix...the new episode of JF is up. And...and...^____^ If Theo/Casey bunnies don't come from this episode, then I don't know what will.

Anyway....hehe...what a great part. I just don't know how to describle. Bittersweet..because you want Z to remember her daddy....but sweet for them getting along so well. I love the part. Great work!


lunaria_kitty August 6 2008, 08:54:00 UTC
-Sends tons of love and snuggles to you- I hope things get better soon. I love you! ♥

Poor Justin! You like to torture him, don't you? -She asks, acting as if she's never read FtD- ^^ But yay for being able to spend time with Z! This makes me very happy. ^^

I hope things work out with Wes kissing Eric, that was a very squee-worthy moment for me. ^^ But now I'm wondering if his headaches are connected with relationship problems, stressing over the special call, or his sight map--or a combination of the three rather.

More soon! Love you! ♥


rivulet027 August 7 2008, 10:34:34 UTC
Hope things get better soon.

Loved this chapter. Poor Wes. Poor Eric. Eep Poor Justin. I like what you've done with him. This is a version of Justin that you could see the cannon char grow into. I feel awful for him though, having to spend time with his daughter and not tell him she's his daughter. Clever way for her to end up a Delgado though!

Loved this line:

"Hmm ... " Justin tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Overthinking leads to headaches. So underthinking means less headaches, which means you should stop thinking all together."

It was just so Dax, without Dax being there.


rosabelle August 14 2008, 07:50:24 UTC
Aw! Yay, they get to spend some time together! :D But when Z finds out will that make it harder or easier for her to deal with, knowing that her father knew all along?


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