This post is rather petty, but I can't find the energy/will to care right now.

Sep 10, 2013 23:09

This has been a Bad Week. With Capital letters. There's been drama around the house, Issues all over the place, and today we learned really Bad News in regards to a relative's health.

So today, I took a Me Day. I dressed up in my fuzziest, warmest pjs, plopped my butt in a recliner, and apart from a short trip into town for Subway and icees, I've been playing video games all day. Harvest Moon, to be specific. Something that requires a lot of thought without actually thinking.

And now my battery is Dead.

By Dead (with capitals), I mean that it won't recognize the charger anymore. Which, since this is an original first-series DS I was given used from Brother, is really not a huge surprise. Logically speaking, it was bound to happen someday right? I mean, it's like eight years old.

Not so logically, I'm torn between screaming and crying right now.

Fuck you too, world.

video games, rant

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