And here's #2 ...

May 07, 2013 01:13

Title: Inside Out
Author: Tsukino Akume
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing/characters: Fred Weasley II
Rating: G
Prompt: Fred Weasley II, FtM - Fred's always been one of the boys
Summary: Fred's always been one of the boys - except whenever someone decides he isn't.
From the moment Fred could crawl, he'd been trailing after his cousin Teddy whenever the family got together.

I'm rather proud of this one. It was hard to write, but I'm fairly pleased with how it came out. Kept editing it right up until the very last minute, though. ^.^;;

In other news, holy crap, Supernatural fandom. o.O

I've read everything linked with the various sides of the story, and I get where the anger and upset is coming from. I can identify with it, and I absolutely understand. Especially with Supernatural, which is a show that has grown to be very conscious of its fans and their interests over the years. And most definitely after reading An open letter to Jensen Ackles, by a Queer Teenage Girl, which offers thoughts I honestly hadn't yet considered at this point.

But at the same time, I feel like demonizing the actor and the show over what happened isn't right either. Yes, it was handled badly: both the question and Jensen's awkward response to it from what he was able to understand. But that doesn't mean all the rage going around is fair. We don't *know* what he thought he heard, or why he tried to dodge the question. We don't know what the show is planning to do in the future, and they've always prided themselves on plot twists and trying to keep the viewers engaged. It just seems like all the anger at him, without even giving him a chance to respond, isn't justified. If anything, I think it was the crowd's response to asking something she 'shouldn't' be asking that was rude - even if it was instinctive based on the rules - because they hadn't given her a chance to finish what she was trying to say.

For what it's worth, I hope he does respond. I don't think that everyone will agree with whatever he might say, but I'd like to see him given the chance to defend himself, much like the girl involved was able to offer her opinion.

Although to be honest, I don't know that my own opinion is fair in and of itself. I'm offended by the anger at the anti-slash contingent, because I am a bisexual woman and because I both enjoy and write slash myself. But I can also say that Destiel is actually the reason I don't watch Supernatural much anymore, because my love for the show came from the close relationship between Dean and Sam, which is something I've felt they've lost since Cas came on the scene. Which makes me anti-everything, I suppose.

But mostly I'm annoyed because the Supernatural fandom has always been notorious for being a very loving community. What happened to that? It's hard to respect a fandom full of hate.

-Sighs- Well, opinions aside, I'm off to try and immerse myself in some Eric/Wes slash, so I can finish off my last prompt for

And just because it needs saying:

I love you all. ♥

harry potter, fanfiction, fandom, supernatural

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