Aug 02, 2008 00:29
Because I'm supposed to be writing, but this caught my attention while Eric was being difficult - as usual. >.<
1) How has LJ changed your life?
In *so* many ways. First, there's the fact that only on my LiveJournal will you find me posting one chapter at a time for my fics, since I usually prefer to put up several at once, giving my readers more to, you know, read. On a less happier note, I used my LiveJournal as a way to be honest about the person I am and how I feel about my life, and lost several people in the process. But on the happier side of that, LiveJournal also showed me the amazing person my sister is, and brought me closer to so many friends that I love and adore, one that I know for a *fact* I wouldn't have known without that particular post.
2) What do you do before bedtime?
What, like as nightly rituals or something? I prefer to get into my p.j.s, take out my contacts, and get all cosy in bed with my computer for a few more hours of writing and sometimes chatting before I eventually fall asleep.
3) What are you going to have for dinner tonight?
Seeing as I just *had* dinner, I ate one of Frechetta's Brick Oven pizzas. Yummy. ^_^
4) What is the ONE place you want to go to before you die if you had the money and the time?
Japan. I almost said Arizona, because that place feels like home to me, but while I've had the fortune of visiting Arizona once, I've never been to Japan. And I *love* Japan; the culture, the food, language, the people ... Just about everything Japanese.
5) Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Introvert. I have a tendency to be very shy and try to hide how I feel, although I'm trying very hard more recently to break out of my shell.
6) What do you do in your free time?
When I can, I write, listen to music, and make pretty graphics - all at the same time. More recently I'm spending time with my brother, watching movies, shopping, or learning to shoot a gun again for the first time in years, learning to shoot a bow, and learning how to throw knives. -Bounces excitedly-
7) Do you trust easily?
No. I've had my trust shattered repeatedly by a *lot* of people, and it's *extremely* hard for me to let someone earn it back. So I tend to wait a very long time for someone to earn my trust in them before I actually do.
8) What personal belonging do you have with you everywhere you go?
A notebook. Awhile ago I started working at a theme park, and it drove me nuts that I couldn't write when I had free time and a PlotBunny. I started with composition notebooks, but more recently I have a pocket-sized notebook and a pen for whenever I have an idea or need some information saved.
9) Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
-Sighs- Where do I begin? I'm over the move to Idaho; in fact I really like it here. But I worry about not having a full-time job, or being able to find one. And I'm anxious to move into my own place, which as always, money troubles seem to prevent. I've also had a few bad days where I started thinking about my family, and how much I miss them. And as stupid as this sounds, seeing all these young, fresh-out-of-college couples everywhere is rather depressing - especially when everyone seems to think I'm dating/married to my brother. x.x
10) What is your best quality?
This took me a long time to think about, because I had to repeatedly resist the urge to ask someone else what they thought it was. Personally, I think it's my stubborness. Throughout everything, even when I'm depressed and angsty at my worst, there's still a part of me deep down that's just too damn stubborn to give up no matter how much the rest of me wants to.
11) Is being tagged fun?
I don't get tagged very often (i.e. almost never), so I like knowing that someone wants my attention. Although it can be a little annoying if you don't know what to say.
12) How do you see yourself?
As a work in progress. I've got a lot of issues I'm struggling to deal with and accept in myself - and I'm not talking material things. I'm making progress, but I've still got a long way to go.
13) Do you prefer rain or snow?
Rain. I love the sound of it, watching it on the window, occasionally being out in it, and splashing in the puddles after it's gone. I *really* adore rain when it's accompanied by thunderstorms; I love to watch the lightning. It's so pretty. Snow meanwhile, is *cold*. -Shivers-
14) What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Well, I wasn't actually tagged. I just stole it from starandrea. ^.^;; But for the purpose of this question, I'm labling her as my 'tagger'. And I think she's an amazing, incredible, inspiring person, and that I'm honored to know her.
15) Poor but loved, or rich but hated?
Being poor at the moment makes me appreciate how many people I can still look to for love. I may *want* money to achieve some of the things I want in live, but I would never, never, *ever* sacrifice those people for that.
16) How many children do you want?
That's sort of a complicated question. I'd like to possibly have my own child like, once. Although for some reason I've always seen myself having boy and girl twins; I've no idea why. o.O But beyond that, it's always been my wish to become a foster parent. There are enough children in this world who are desperate for a loving home, and I'd rather see them find one than increase the population out of a desire to spread my less-than-desireable genetics. Most importantly, I want to adopt children of *all* ages - not babies. It's the teens that are most neglected in the foster care system, and the ones most in need.
17) What's better; to give or to receive?
While I *love* to receive things, and I get all excited over it, I adore the look on a person's face when I'm able to give them something I know they've wanted. Very few things in this world can replace that feeling.
18) What do you feel about sex without love?
No idea; not ready for sex to know if I'm interested in having it yet. And when I am, I'd rather make my first experience with someone who loves me in return, before I even decide if I like the physical act just for itself. In reference to other people, if it makes you happy or helps you in some way, go for it. If you're only having sex because you can't find something truly fulfilling in your life, you need to move on to something more meaningful.
19) Would you have 100% safe sex with a stranger for $10,000,000?
I'd like to say that my morals would be against that, but right now I keep eyeing that price tag and thinking two things: 'that's a *lot* of house', and 'my body is worth *how* much?!'
20) What would you name yourself if you'd been born the opposite gender?
If I could pick my own name? Right now I'd say Andros, because that's one of my nicknames, and it amuses me. When I was younger I would have picked Paul, the name I was *supposed* to have if I was a boy, after my mom's great-grandfather who helped her out of a very bad point in her life, or Leo, after my paternal grandfather, who I've come to love more and more as I learn more about him and the life he lived.
-Tags anyone in her FriendList that's actually interested-
Ooh, and my brother showed me these. They were so funny I had to share. -Grins-
youtube vids