Cookies = Promises!

Mar 03, 2013 22:08

Today I hung out with Brother's mom while she baked and fed me cookies. And then I wrote things. It was awesome.

This chapter may or may not end up with a one-shot side story from Rocky and Adam's point of view, because as awkward and as much fun as it was to write, I keep picturing what was actually happening that Jayden didn't realize.

Promises (Power Rangers Samurai, Chapter 13: A Promise for Support)
Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers Samurai
Characters/: Jayden Shiba, Antonio
Pairings/: pre-Antonio/Jayden
Rating/: K
Disclaimer/: If I owned them, it would not be subtext.
Summary/: Antonio made many promises to Jayden over the years. He never broken any of them. Bright Skies 'verse.
They'd just finished cleaning the kitchen when Jayden's Samuraizer went off.

This one is technically a repost of a chapter that I'd put up earlier and had to take down, because I decided to have more things happen before it and AO3 was throwing a fit about reordering chapters. But the story has finally caught back up to it, so here it is again. Slightly edited to fit with the current plot.

Promises (Power Rangers Samurai, Chapter 14: A Promise for Truth)
Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers Samurai
Characters/: Jayden Shiba, Antonio Garcia
Pairings/: pre-Antonio/Jayden
Rating/: K
Disclaimer/: If I owned them, it would not be subtext.
Summary/: Antonio made many promises to Jayden over the years. He never broken any of them. Bright Skies 'verse.
They eventually moved Jayden to his room.

And now I'm off to watch Megaforce!


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