Jan 31, 2013 19:27

PainfulMRI was PAINFUL.

Basically I had to lay down on a board with a brace pinning down my shoulder so I wouldn't move it. Then Tech Guy had me turn my right arm so my hand was palm up (to show the tendons, he said), and proceeded to strap my arm down against my side in that position. I mean, I get *why* - he told me that arms are really hard to get a clear picture of, because they tend to move when you breathe - but OWOWOWOWOWOW. After it was over, I was blinking tears. It still hurts like hell; I'm trying not to use it much. And FREAKING OUT over what the results will be tomorrow. x.x

Instead I'm trying to cheer myself up with vids and fluff. Which is how I found this, which is awesome. ♥

image Click to view

In the meantime, suggestions/requests for Antonio/Jayden fluff would be most helpful. ^.^

antonio/jayden, youtube vids, health issues

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