Movie Marathons!

Jan 22, 2013 10:09


I've been suffering from a very mild flu for the past several days. I expected it (expected it to be worse actually) because Brother's mom had a bad case a couple weeks ago, so it's not a surprise. Luckily it's pretty much in my chest and head, leaving me groggy, sniffly, and lightheaded. And I'm pretty sure the breathing issues are only because when it first started to hit me, I dragged Brother out to get NyQuil and apple juice on a day that turned out to be eight degree weather. It was so cold it hurt to beathe, and my lungs haven't been the same since. x.x

On the upside, being sick and miserable has left me plenty of time to curl up in bed with Brother's laptop and watch DVDs, since that's about all I have the brainpower for.

I finally watched season four of Detective Conan/Case Closed, which was a Christmas present to myself with the money my parents sent me. It's not my favorite season, but it made me laugh and smile lots. After it was over I whined at Shi-chan that there was no Kaito Kid, though. So she ordered me season five! -Squees- I told her I love her more than coffee, but she didn't believe me.

It turns out that season five is the last dubbed season; I'll have to get imports from now on. Which doesn't really bother me, as the dub has been losing its charm since I discovered that the 'Two Times' episode was supposed to be about Two-Mix, a group I have loved and adored ever since I first discovered Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. -Grumbles- That, and I'm tired of the way they mangle or ignore kanji. I've taken to watching episodes with subtitles on half the time. Conan/Shinichi is a lot less snarky than Conan/Jimmy. o.O

I'm not entirely sure that Kid's in season five, though. -Worries- I want more Kaito Kid!

Yesterday on the other hand, I spent marathoning Power Ranger Wild Force.
rosabelle insisted that it gets better, and made me promise to record my NyQuil-enfused observations. As it turns out, NyQuil just made me sleepy. I only got through one episode after taking it.

I'm not thrilled about the beginning, because the Rangers are kidnappers. And they're pretty mean to Cole at first. I've also noted that he's actually a very gentle person; it's only after he's been around the team for awhile that he starts becoming more aggressive. Which kind of makes me wonder if it has something to do with his empathy/'connecting to other's hearts'.

Although the empathy really makes me think he's related to Maya somehow. Or should be.

Danny and Max are totally canon, and have been so since episode one. Max *translates* for Danny, for crying out loud. They're adorable. ♥ I've also figured out that 'Never give up!' is code for 'I love you/I have faith in you'. Which makes it considerably less annoying, and actually kind of cute.

On which note, Danny is a terrible boyfriend. He totally deserved Max kicking his butt after the second episode of him pining after Kendall. He's lucky Max is very forgiving.

Cole remains adorable, but that's probably just me. I find him fascinating on many levels. Danny and Max are more fun when I think of them as Danny/Max. Taylor's bossiness is kind of annoying, but she's growing on me. (To be fair, I think most of that is due to my Bright Skies headcanon for her. I'm subconsciously calling her Jason's future girlfriend as is it is. c.c;;;) Alyssa ... Alyssa's okay.* I don't hate her? I do find her a little too perfect, but I also realized she reminds me a lot of Mia. Once I put her into the 'team mommy' box, she's considerably less irritating.

Shayla is obnoxious on all levels. The casting director should be shot. Repeatedly. Also, whoever told her she was a soporano was a liar. It's like Sister Mary Patrick from Sister Act; that god-awful song would be a hell of a lot more tolerable in a lower register. WHY DOES IT KEEP GETTING STUCK IN MY HEAD?!?! -Cries-

I'm ... torn on Merrick. I think he's kind of like Zhane in that he's more likeable in fanon. Canon-wise, he's a viable candidate to out-emo Andros. (The whole 'these hands aren't worthy of touching you' line was a bit over the top.) I was fairly neutral about him until the very end of The Flute, where he tells Shayla that it's hard to be on the Animarium when everything has changed. Now I'm kind of 'Aww, poor baby!' And might have developing drabble fic about this. I'm also fascinated by his almost-sense of humor moment, where he gently mocks Shayla before she accidentally knocks him off the bridge.

Reinforcements from the Future remains ridiculously shippy. But there is BondageJen, and Wes and Eric are amazingly in sync, so I mostly forgive it. (Although really, Eric was Not Subtle when he asked Taylor if Danny and Max were gay. (Okay, so he really commented about her friends being weird. But that was totally what he meant.)) I am still entirely too happy that during the picnic thing at the end, Eric is essentially wearing Wes' shirt.

I've got nine more episodes to go, but I'm pretty decided that PossessedCole totally works into my Samurai headcanon. I could probably attempt to write it now, but I'm thinking I'll finish Wild Force first and hopefully let my head clear up a bit. Thinking is still kind of hard. x.x

Oh, and I agree with Ranger Central about the Mega Roar finishing move: that is totally the Care Bear Stare.

* ETA: I have apparently been mispronouncing Alyssa's last name since Wild Force aired. Whoops. My way still sounds better.

prwf, detective conan

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