The Fandom Snowflake Challenge: Days 1 & 2

Jan 02, 2013 19:26

Decided to participate in the
snowflake_challenge that's been floating around. Not for any particular reason really, except that it sounded fun. ^.^

punkpinkpower may have flattered guilted me into it. ^.^;;

Day 1

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

1) Mother's Baby. It wasn't all that well received when I first posted it on my Livejournal due to the questionable nature of the character and the morals of Mr. Collins. But I've always loved it. First because it's a take on Wes' mother no one has ever done before, and second, because her character is based off a little girl I used to know who taught me a lot about patience and understanding.

The other reason this story is precious to me is because I asked
psyco_chick32 what she thought about it shortly before she died, to decide if I should change it to make it less ... squeemish, I suppose.

Her response was "FUCK THE HATERS."

2) Fractured Fates. This was so much fun to write, and it's actually FINISHED! O.O Zhane blended with B Squad almost seemlessly, and it was fascinating to contemplate him with PTSD, which I never had before. It really gave me some deeper thoughts about his character. I hadn't actually intended to try Sky/Zhane as a pairing before I started it, but this story also taught me how to make a seemingly random pairing work.

3) Alan Tracy and the Boy-Who-Lived. This was started because I was on a Thunderbirds kick for awhile and liked the idea of the Tracys with magic. From there it turned into EvilMinistryBastards, SociallyRepressedAlan, HyperactiveHarry, and a bit of Slytherin redemption. (Because I LOATHE stereotypes, and canon Harry Potter is a prime example of this. >.<+++) It gives me a chance to work on my own thoughts of what Harry's life could have been while simultaneously torturing Alan, which is always fun. And I get to build characters for Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle, which has been intruiging as most of the time it goes places I wasn't planning.

I haven't really worked on it for awhile because the muse keeps running it into directions I wasn't planning for it to go and then abandoning me. >.< I'm not giving up on it though! I've got a small mini-series I'm working on to inspire me for this 'verse, which involves their Harry bodyswapping with CanonHarry. Which is still giving me random thoughts for the future of this 'verse that I didn't expect. (Apparently we've decided that Draco and Harry went to the Yuleball together because neither of them had a date. And it wasn't slash. Yet. o.O)

I have several other favorites I'm working on (Particularly Tectonic Alliance, which features CrazyAndros, and the new MUCH darker FtD. ^.^;;), but they're not posted yet. >.O -Kicks muse-

Day 2

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you did not create. Drop a link to your post in the comments. See if you can rec fanworks that are less likely to be praised: tiny fandoms, rare pairings, fanworks other than stories, lesser known kinks or tropes. Find fanworks that have few to no comments, or creators new to a particular fandom and maybe aren't well known or appreciated. Appreciate them.


-Clears throat-

I uh, have a few stories I adore and read over and over (and over and over and over ...) that I could recommend. ^.^;;

Daddy, Not Bats, by Gilmare. A universe where Bruce retired as Batman after taking in Dick Grayson, to devote his attention to his son. While he's still involved in the Justice League behind the scenes, this series of one-shots and mini-series focuses more on family fluff and the chaos that comes with being a Wayne kid. There's also a mini-series based off the Apprentice episodes of Teen Titans that had me on the edge of my seat for days.

From Ashes, by Gilmare, which is actually an in-progress sequel to Dead Inside. In this series, Slade took off with Robin before the Titans could come to rescue him. Instead, he spent four years training with Slade under the impression that his friends would die if he didn't. From Ashes deals with the aftermath of Dick finally being freed, only to learn that the Titans had been safe for years. He finds himself unable to face Bruce or Alfred after everything he's been through and done, but bonds with Tim Drake instead.

Necessary Lies, by Gilmare. Dick gets called to the principal's office after school under suspicion that he's being abused. His indignation is only outmatched for his commentary for all the pictures of his injuries. ^_^

To Catch A Predator, by paganpunk2. I read and re-read this one all the time. ^.^ Bruce and Dick take a vacation to a New England fishing town, only to have Dick witness the murder of his potential love-interest's father. Dick insists on finding the killer and rescuing the missing girl, while Bruce is much more hesitant to get involved in a place that could easily leak their secret identities. There is Bruce being paternal and affectionate! Dick as a smart-assed yet loving teenager! Alfred being protective! SO MUCH FATHER/SON BONDING! ♥

Chronicles of Narnia
Becoming Brothers, by Andi Horton. The Horse and His Boy was one of my all-time favorite books as a kid, and more than likely behind my love for twins. This story has Cor and Corrin trying to accept and learning to care about each other, and Cor trying to understand all the things he's never had in his life before.

Of Justice and Magic, by Lady Star Sapphire. Harry Potter raised by Bruce Wayne, now the third Robin, comes to Hogwarts for an undercover mission. Which is really all you need to know.

Final Fantasy VII
Eir's Tomorrow, by Jukebox Hound. It's yet another 'Cloud goes back in time to do everything over' fics, but this one makes an effort to blend the original game with Crisis Core. Cloud now has Norse heritage (and refers to the goddess Hel frequently, as well as swearing a lot in German), and has vowed to save Sephiroth, Zack, and Aeris. As he puts it, 'The rest of the Planet could burn and I wouldn't care except that the three of you happen to live on it'. There's a lot of focus on Cloud's memories of the world Before, his connection to the Planet, and his relationships with the people he cares about. It's definitely my favorite fanon for this series.

Gundam Wing
Five Times Someone Figured Out Heero Was A Girl, by Asuka Kureru. Everytime I read this, I crack up. Particularly at Duo's part, then Quatre's, and finally the ending with Wufei. It has Heero being the same person he/she's always been, and the guys (excluding Trowa, who is ... Trowa) being teenagers.

And Duo. Oh, Duo.

In Possession, by Jukebox Hound. As the summary puts it: You know those fics where Duo’s horribly abused and needs a dashing savior like Heero to put the pieces back together? Yeah, this isn’t one of those.

And now it's totally my headcanon that Duo's Preventer nametag has a skull and crossbones and a biohazard symbol drawn on either side of it.

Power Rangers
Coming Out, by Mathaias. It's a very realistic take on Justin coming out to his teammates. Not everyone handles it gracefully. There's a lot of emotion wrapped up in it, particularly for Justin himself. As someone who's had to struggle with my own sexuality as well as finally coming out, it brings back a lot of memories of that constant fear of rejection.

Crossing Paths, by
weesta. A Ninja Storm/Dino Thunder crossover that I had a small hand in creating, mostly through the countless discussions Weesta and I had about Power and Color philosophies, and the idea of balance in Ranger teams. I love every single cameo, and (of course!) the fact that Dustin is a major part of the story, as well as all the philosophy and discussion behind everything.

Plus there are empaths being emotional and people being touchy-feeling and all the hugs. Which is awesome. ♥

Remure Memorium, by At the End of Dreaming. Ziggy and Dillon are soulmates, and Ziggy has been hiding the fact that he's known Dillon - and more specifically who Dillon is - since they were kids. There is Magical Bonding and Wishes. And Romeo and Juliet syndrome. And Dillon being a protective/possessive boyfriend. (WHY ISN'T IT FINISHED?! ;_;)

... And now I don't know if I want to write something or read all of these all over again. x.x

power rangers, meme, harry potte, fanfiction, thunderbirds, batman, gundam wing, fandom, narnia, final fantasy

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